I'm glad to hear that your procedure went well.
I have had two procedures this past year. One was laproscopy and the other was an egg retrieval (relative to IVF). That one was last Tuesday. Being that I spent three months of my youth in a hospital bed due to med mal, I was plenty terrified going into both procedures.
First procedure:
Nurse takes out IV needle and I immediately began weeping pathetically. I explained to her that as a child, they had to change my IV out every other day. They missed at least once everytime. Usually it took them two or three times, on occassion..four. I spent three months in the hospital constantly worrying about the next time they were going to change my IV. I told the nurse that I cannot do it anymore. I begged her to put me under and then insert the IV. She listened intently all the while preparing my needle and attaching that rubber band thingy to my arm. She answered that the IV was how they put me under. She gave me my shot and I thanked her profusely. It was near painless. I asked her if she would be my lifetime nurse. The remainder of the procedure and recovery were great.
Second procedure:
Being the informed patient that I am, I took it upon myself to look up everything I could find on egg retrieval and IVF. The night before mine, I came across a site where women claimed all kinds of atrocities. One said that she awoke in a pool of blood. Another was hospitalized for a week with severe pain. Others suffered terribly at home. I went into the retrieval in terror. I told the anethesiologist that I didn't want to wake up in a pool of my own blood. She told me to stay off the internet. She then hugged me and told me that she was going to calm be down through science. It worked. The remainder of the procedure was great, so was the recovery. The IV didn't hurt either.
I've taken more needles in the past month then most people do in a lifetime. I've had to give them all to myself, except for the intramusculars that go in my lower back. None of them are nearly as bad as I thought.
I wonder if the needles have gotten better, or if I've gotten stronger?
Anyhow, I can relate to your suffering Ron. You are ending your baby making days and here I am doing everything I can to begin mine.
Best of luck to you.