Most ergonomic knife you own?

May 11, 2002
I was just sitting here sorting my favorite knives by how comfortable and ergonomic the handles's my favorites:
1) Outdoor Edge Wedge II, just about perfect overall, except for the thin edge on the fingerchoil would kinda hurt if you jabbed something too hard. AWESOME handle shape/size.

2)BM940, very nice handle size, very comfortable with no peaks to dig into your hand. Plenty of room for all 4 fingers, and just plain looks beautiful too!

3)BM556, this knife just falls into place after opening almost as if it knows what you want before you even position it in your hand, I just wish it had another 1/4" for my pinky, and had softer handles.

4) SAK Camper, sometimes simple is the answer and this one is hard to beat, I wouldnt want to do any hard core stabbing and stuff, but man what a comfortable handleshape.

5)Spyderco Mouse, for a small knife, it too has sort of a natural positioning after opening it, although not quite as "phsycic" as my 556, for a 3 finger handle, it handles very nicely.

What's yer's?
Out of the ones I have now, the large, plain Sebenza is the most ergonomic because the handle is the only one that's big enough that fits my hand. Out of the ones I've had in the past, the Emerson Commander was by far the most comfortable.
as of now, the most comfortable knife in my hand that I now own is the Darrel Ralph / Ryan Wilson Custom Collaboration Model CQB. Not only does it feel totally comfortable, the size and weight are great.

This could change as time goes by, it has changed for me many times already .... I think I found the one I like the most, then another one comes along that I like better.
#1. The Gerber Gator

All it needs is a Bandit aftermarket thumb stud. If I didn't already have the plain gator, I'd get the Stud Gator.

And if it wasn't so thick I'd carry it everyday.

It's a light weight, simple, inexpensive, all weather dependable lockback with a grippy handle. What's not to like? The Price?
For utility cutting, almost all of my knives feel fine, since I don't usually spend more than a few seconds, or at most, a couple minutes a day cutting things. For self-defense training, ergonomics are critical.

My most ergonomic production blade is my BM 551 Griptilian. This knife allows me to lock my hand around the handle in perfect comfort. The harder I squeeze, the more secure it feels, with no rough spots - remarkable for such a (relatively) inexpensive knife. I prefer it over my BM 940/941 Osbornes, which have thinner handles. The mini-Griptilians, like the 556, also feel surpisingly secure and comfy. I would have expected the down-sizing to have really hurt the ergonomics, but it isn't so.

My most ergonomic custom is my Dozier Arkansas Toothpick, which, like the 551, has a nice, full handle, and also like the 551, is a great value.

This Cold Steel Twistmaster fit my hand so nice, it's comfortable for choppin', slicin', an dicin'.:D

For me, the most ergonomical knife that I own is my Spyderco Military CE.


I don't go anywhere without it.
Good question! My first Recurve Hunter from Ron Leuschen just feels great in the hand. Fits my palm just great & the larger butt of the handle gives you something to hold on to so it won't 'slide' out of your hand!
I'd also have to say, I like the grip I get on the custom Bowie that Bruce Evans made. The Elk stag scales give me a great grip and the balance & lightness of Bruce's Bowie adds to the effortless use of this knife.
That would hafta be my Emrerson Commander, followed closley by my Spyderco Military, and chinook.
-CRKT Companion
-Schrade Sharpfinger
-BM 710
-Buck Vanguard R
-Greco MST MK IV
My Dozier Straight Hunter is easily the most ergonomic knife I own, according to my medium sized hands. Nothing else of mine even comes close to it for comfort. The most ergonomic folder I own is the Spyderco Military. It's extraordinarily comfortable for a folder, and allows you to choke up on the blade quite nicely.
My Wicked Knife Company BuShi Fighter and my WOO Executive-both with Newt Livesay's superb #2 Micarta scales are the best feeling scales i have ever handled. They feel great in sabre,and reverse grip. The finish is smooth enough for a quick grip transition, and grippy enough to be sure of.

Stay Sharp,
I'd have to say that it would be my SS/PE Delica. It "fits" my hand perfectly. Coming in as a close second would have to be my SS/PE Rookie.
Large Woodie Sebenza. The wood gives a little extra girth to the knife making it fill my hand better.

Fowler Pronghorn I used to own. Sold it because it is not easy to carry around the urban jungle. Still longing for another one and I am on Ed's waitlist.