Most Underrated Khukuri?

Feb 12, 2001
What, in your opinion, is the most underrated khukuri? I think it's the BAS. The comment I see on here quite often is, "it's a good first khukuri," which somehow seems to imply that you will soon outgrow it once you really get into khuks. My first khuk was a BAS, and it is still one of my favorites. It's big enough for most tasks, yet small enough to fit in my shoulder bag without much hassle. Although I've grown to appreciate the fullers on the AK's, I still appreciate the brass inlay on the BAS. What other khukuris are underrated in terms of performance, appearance, etc?
Josh, pound for pound and ounce for ounce, the 12" AK is the most useful and capable khukuri I know of. It ain't big and flashy. Won't chop down trees and such. It's just a humble, utilitarian, little workhorse. You seldom hear them mentioned, much less recommended to others as a "first purchase", but, IMHO, they're dadgum handy to have in your pack or around the house. You can bet your bottom dollar as soon as Bir Ghorka sends Uncle some more, I'll be ordering one to replace my own that I issued out to my radio sergeant.:(:D

The 12" AK is the blade the Pen compares to most closely. With no offense to the Pen, there already was a great camp knife available. Course, styles and people flow forever.

Anything under 18" :D

I like the BAS, too. Excellent size. I think it's recommended as a "first khuk" because it's very useful and relatively inexpensive. Also, it's a good transition between a tiny little folder and a 30" Kobra!
The 12"ers are like the 4" to 6" barreled 22's. Trail guns that do most of the work. Or like the 38 snubs that get carried as "always" guns. Yes, for doing a job you have planned you take somethimg else. But for the unexpected jobs that come up, the 12"ers do better than expected.
Gotta agree with Sarge, the 12" AK is mighty handy. Twas my first khuk, and my most used. Dont even mind that it has a concave edge. Though with enough sweat it can take down 3" tree limbs, though it takes more umphh than if you were using a 20" siru.:(
I'll have to pick up one of those 12" Ak's, though right now I have my eye on a 20" or 25". I'd like to try a 30" one of these days, but I probably wouldn't be able to lift it:D
I'd say the most underrated khuk is the 15" Siru. My siru is a perfect belt khuk, not heavy like the big choppers but it can handle damn near anything I'd be willing to take on. The 15" siru is good enough for any light task I'd use a khuk for and it is very comfortable to carry.
I too find the most usefull, all around, to be the BAS.
I have a lot of kuks.
But what do I know? I`m just a poor rifleman.
Uncle Bill finds this doubly interesting. <G>.

I personally find the 15" sirupati to be incredibly useful and tough and I think it's underrated compared to some of the heavier bladed khuks. Sucker is fast, too. My two cents.
At my age I have learned to not under-rate any thing or any body. I agree with the folks about the 12' knives, the 15" Siru. I haven't had a chance to get my hands on some of the blades that HI has for sale but I have a Bilton ordered that I think will be a pretty handy tool. The shape of it reminds me of a miniature AK without the fuller. I had just enough money left the other day to send Terry some money and picked up the Bilton he had. Would you care for a khuk that is legal in Texas. This one measures exactly 5.5" in blade length. Terry whipped this baby into shape too. just sharp as can be. With the weight it carries it will be a very good defensive weapon if needed. I hope I don't because some one would sure get hurt awful bad from this thing. I plan on making one of the Bilton's a neck rig. It isn't really that heavy.
Will work pretty well I think.
I saw my first snake of the year two days ago and all I had with me was the 12" AK. A bit close for comfort. Time to get the 18 and 20 inch Kobra and Siru's situated so I can get to them quickly.:D
Pappy, when you say 'snake', I'm assuming you wouldn't bother with a non poisenous one, so any 'snake' is either a copperhead, watermoccasin, or a rattler, right?

Originally posted by munk
Pappy, when you say 'snake', I'm assuming you wouldn't bother with a non poisenous one, so any 'snake' is either a copperhead, watermoccasin, or a rattler, right?


Not necessarily. In this part of the country, Bubonic Plague. NM is highest in USA, Bernallilo County, highest concentration, Manzano Mts area, zeros in at the most highest .

Non poisenous snakes do carry the plague. Yes, King/Bull snakes do feast on mice (hanta virus), and are good for the environment, but if you accidently step on one and he strikes. Take your chances!

I almost stepped on a 5 ft Bull snake sunning himself on the step to my garage. I was concentrating on something else and didn't see him until the last moment. Jumped back about 2 ft real quick. Normally they aren't aggressive, as this one wasn't, but I don't like surprises.

My dog cornered one out in the pasture. He was really mad. Couldn't reach him to move him out of the area, without the dog getting bit, she really wanted a piece of that snake. Wound up using a .38 with snake shot. Sorry , Pappy, wasn't carrying a looong Khuk at the time. Actually, I thought the .38 required me to get a little two close for the shot pattern, did the trick, but went out and bought a single shot .410, for future use. :)
They have a 'bull' snake in Montana that is a Gopher snake in California. it is a sedate, happy fellow in Cal but here it is aggresive, with hisses and strikes.

So snakes can carry the virus? Fact or speculation? Just curious- i hadn't heard that.

Yea, I heard about the plague thing and I don't take any chances any more. My wife is digging around in her flower patches to much. Hands and face too close to the ground for me. One of the snakes that I killed last year struck at my wolf dog. The longest non-poisonous snake that I think I have ever seen. A lot of the building has slowed down now so maybe things won't be so bad this year. Two days in a row in the 80's and they get on the move. Maybe I'll have a chance to se what Kumar's 18" Siru. will do.:) :D