Multitools...Which do you carry?

Jun 21, 1999
I actually own two, one is the Multi-Plier, by Gerber I bought these about 5 years ago and they have been nearly everywhere with me and have come in quite handy several times. Last year I received a ToolZall Pro, by Crescent, I have since retired the Gerber to my wife's vehicle, and I now carry the ToolZall Pro.
What type of multi tool do you own? Do you carry it at all times? Has one ever possibly saved your life?

I have a Gerber Multi Tool as well... I'm not a big fan of it, though it has proven itself useful.

I only bought it for the neat "ka-thunk" it makes when i slide out the pliers.

unfortunately, i've pinched my hands too many times, and the bottle opener will not pry a cap off a bottle of Bass
and the blades all suck

I don't think it's ever saved my life, but I have shown people how to use it like a kubotan. works much like a closed balisong.

I'm holding out now for a spyderwrench... maybe i'll see if I can talk someone into a Leatherman wave for christmas or something.

I'll give you my whole multi-tool history. I bought a Multi-Plier "to be different." Regretted it a month later and traded it for a used Leatherman PST I. Gave that to my girlfriend and bought a PST II. Gave that to a friend and bought a Wave. Every step has been a big improvement, IMO (well, PST I to PST II was a small step). I've never saved my life with a multi-tool, but I use my wave at east once a day and for all kinds of things, even when the "right" tool is fairly handy. If I had to take one "knife" I own to a desert island, it would be the Wave. Luckily, we don't have to choose.

I went from a PST to a Super Tool to a PST II to a Swiss Tool. I settled on the Swiss Tool but everybodies praise for the Wave has me curious. Plus the Wave has scissors. Which reminds me... For my keychain I went from a Micra to a Swiss Tech to Seber Tech. It looks like I'll come full circle and get a Micra again, especially now that they're available in colors.

Everything I have carried hasn't failed me as in a broken tool or failed lock. I settled on the Swiss Tool because of the conenience. No clumped tools, acces to tools without opening pliers, easy to unlock. The PST and PST II don't have locking tools and that is a real hassle.

I don't think a multi tool will ever save my life but you never know. I fixed and adjusted a lot of things and so has my wife. She has a PST and a Buck Mini-Tool. Sure I could have gone back to the house to get the tool box but multi tools are so damned convenient.

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

You may want to look at "historical" threads on this topic. There's lots of posts on pocket tools. Also a decent article at

I carry Leather[neck]man Micra every day. Damned useful for everyday stuff. Also isn't too redundant with tools on my primary pocket tool (Supertool).

Leather[neck]man SuperTool whenever in the field.

Mini Leather[neck]man for those occasions when I can't carry the ST.

.50 cal machinegun when enemy contact is imminent.
I've got a Leatherman Wave and its great. I love how you can get to the knives without opening the pliers.

Just because I talk to myself doesn't mean I'm crazy. What's wrong with getting a second opinion?
I cary the origional Leatherman, and have for over 20 years. Back then it was the only thhing on the market. I use it every day for the convience of it and althouth it hasnt saved my life it does make it easier whaen you dont have to look for a pliers or screwdriver when you are in the middle of a project.
Over twenty years? I'm pretty sure they've only been on the market since 1983.
I also have a Gerber Multi Tool. Been used alot and has been very useful. I'd like to get a Wave or Swiss Tool and retire the Gerber to my wife's car.
I have several tools from Leatherman, Gerber, and Swiss Tech (If you count them as multi-tools) but the one I carry is the SOG PowerLock. The PL is a very nice tool, kind of the "Cadillac" of tools. IMO its the ultimate multi-tool.

Dexter Ewing
Knife Reviews Moderator
AKTI Member # A000005

"Spirits fly on dangerous missions, imaginations on fire.
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I carry a Leatherman wave and one other knife. Today was a treat and the other was my "user" DA SOCOM. It is surprising how sharp you can get the blade on the Wave. I almost always break the small screwdriver..chipping the head in half... this was the 3rd time so I gave up on its repair because I like the rest of it so well.
Past tools have seen some amazing abuse (they don't hold up to 440 three-phase worth a darn...long and scary story... but they did replace it!)

Anyway, at least a few dealers sell these for 59.95 now. It is some of the best money you can spend... and if you save up for five or so of them you can get a DA SOCOM!

Dances with lemmings

hey guys
I don't mean to rain on your parade but i don't believe in the multitools. I don't think you can beat a good fixed blade knife(or folder?), a vise-grip(the real ones), A small screw driver that takes different tips....this is just my opinion though. It is what i believe and practice. Those multi-tool jobbies are great....but i just prefer this.
just my thoughts
ps. feel free to tell me someway to improve this, or tell me if you don't agree
I carry the Sharade Tough Tool at work.It is a little large for dress carry. When in dress clothes I carry an original Leatherman.
I have had a multi-tool from almost every major company at one time or another, and they ALL have broken with the exception of the Vicorinox SwissTool. It has, by far, the best blade on a multi-tool I have ever seen. Until Benchmade makes one with ATS-34 blades and an M-2 plier head, I will carry ONLY my SwissTool as far as multi-tools are concerned.

Robert Joseph Ansbro

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First I bought a Leatherman Super Tool. I have since bought the SwissTool and carry that daily. The Super Tool is in the car trunk.

I also always carry a Leatherman Micra.

I just started carrying a wave and it has come in handy. My only complaint is that I need another tool (a key) to get at the tools with the phillips screwdriver. It needs to be loosened up a little but the screws are funky with the pin in the middle and I don't have the right wrench.


PS: I really like the diamond file. I used it last night to remove a burr from a pistol slide.

[This message has been edited by stray (edited 14 August 1999).]
Closest thing to a Multi tool that I carry is a SAK Spartan. I have a gerber in my car and a Leatherman in my wife's, though.

Leatherman PST II. Works like a charm, does what I ask it to do.

"Earth has its boundaries, but human stupidity is limitless."

OK. Seems Leatherman has won the title here. I dumped mine years ago when I stripped the Phillips screwdriver out. Then got a Gerber. Dumped it after breaking one of the jaws. Got a Buck tool and dumped it because it didn't work quite right for me. Then got an SOG Power Plier. Best darn tool I ever had! Greatest tool, only made better by adding locking tools as done on the Powerlock. Don't have one yet, but soon enough.

Can't say more about the Power Plier, it'g great.


AKTI Member A000360