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According to my Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (the only source I have at hand at the moment) "mumblety peg" or "mumble the peg" entered the English language around 1630.
Mumblety-Peg is an old pastime, consisting of tossing a pocket-knife from various positions so that the blade will stick in the ground.
Equipment.--While any pocket knife may be used, the Boy-Scout knife is official for tournament play. The leather punch which this type of knife carries is used instead of the blade - this reduces the danger of players cutting themselves.
Matches.--A match consists of three long games or seven short games. The best two out of three long games or four out of seven short games determines the winner.
Playing Rules.--Players may either sit or kneel on the ground. All throws are made with the right hand unless otherwise specified below. The knife when thrown must stick in the ground so that the referee can place at least two fingers between the ground and the handle of the knife. Each contestant performs the following series of stunts in order. The long game is for boys, and the short game for girls.
The following series of stunts is that considered as official by the National Recreation Association.
Penknife Rules (Long Game):
Front..--Knife on palm of right hand with blade toward finger tips, toss knife upward and inward causing blade to stick in ground.
Back.--Place knife on back of right hand and toss as for front.
Punch.--Make a fist with right hand. Place knife handle across the fingernails with blade toward thumb; twist hand quickly toward the left sticking blade into the ground.
Snaps.--Hold blade between thumb and forefinger of left hand with handle pointing toward the right. Strike the handle downward sharply with right hand, causing blade to stick into the ground.
Seven Pennies.--Hold blade between thumb and first finger of right hand with handle away from contestant and snap knife away from tosser, sticking it into the ground. This must be done seven times in succession.
Around the Horn.--Hold blade of knife between the index finger and thumb of right hand, as for Pennies, and swing the knife, with handle toward the ground, around the head from left to right; then snap away from tosser as in Seven Pennies.
Shave the Peg.--Place blade between the first and second fingers and hold with thumb, have handle pointing away from body and point of blade toward person tossing; snap knife away from tosser.
Cut Left.--Hold knife as for Pennies and snap downward across left arm striking left wrist with the right.
Cut Right.--Opposite to Cut Left.
Headings.--Same as for Seven Pennies except the handle of the knife is touched against the forehead before snapping.
Chinnings.--Same as Headings except that chin is touched with handle.
Snaps.--See Rule 4; must be done three times in succession.
Drop In and Pull Out.--Hold knife handle between thumb and forefinger of right hand and drop the knife through a hole made by touching the tips of the forefinger and thumb of the left hand. After blade sticks in ground, pull knife back through the hole by the blade with the handle touching ground and the index finger and thumb holding blade; snap as in Seven Pennies.
Shave the Barber.--Hold left hand with palm in and little finger toward the ground. Place knife flat against the palm of left hand with cutting edge toward tosser and handle toward the ground. With the fingers of the right hand pull blade of knife toward the contestant, giving a downward snap.
Lady Dives.--Hold right hand vertical with back of it toward the players; place point of knife against the heel of the hand and the handle against the fingertips; push upward and forward, giving a loop effect to the knife.
Pinwheel--With the handle at right angles to the right hand and the arm at right angles to the body, hold the point of the blade loosely between thumb and first finger; flip the knife toward the left with a downward push of the thumb.
Kick 'Em Out.--Place handle of knife flat on palm of left hand with the blade protruding over the little finger side; strike blade downward with right hand.
Cop's Club.--Hold knife as for Seven Pennies, but flip toward tosser. Immediately strike upward with same hand causing knife to spin in opposite direction.
Tony Chestnut.--Starting at toe place point of blade on end of shoe and snap away from player. Repeat same at knee, again at the chest, and then from front part of the head. The toe may be elevated and the point of the knife may be placed against thumb when snapping from chest.
Fingers.--Same as Pennies except that the blade is held between the thumb and each finger consecutively and two snaps are made with the first finger and thumb and one with the second, third and little fingers.
Johnny Jump the Fence.--Stick knife into ground at an angle and about one foot away place left hand with palm toward the knife and little finger touching the ground; with the right hand strike the knife up and forward, causing it to go over the left hand or fence and stick into the ground.
O-U-T Period.--Place point of knife on left wrist and with right thumb and forefinger on top of knife snap to ground; at the same time say "0," repeat at elbow and say "U," repeat at shoulder and say "T." Make a fist as in "Punch" and place knife along fingernails with blade toward little finger side; twist wrist inward quickly and say "period." These last four stunts must be performed consecutively in order to complete the game.
Penknife Rules (Short Game):
Front.--Same as Long Game.
Back.--Same as Long Game.
Punch.--Same as Long Game.
Rabbit's Ears.--Extend index and little fingers; hold the second and third fingers closed with thumb; rest knife on extended fingers with blade toward thumb side; stick knife into ground with inward twist of wrist.
Snaps.--Same as Long Game.
Five Pennies.--Same as Long Game except five flips are made in succession instead of seven.
Slice the Ham --With the left palm toward the player place point of knife against the thick of the hand near the little finger side, handle of knife toward the thumb side of hand. With right forefinger and thumb end of the handle pull the knife toward the contestant.
Lady Dives.--Same as Long Game.
Shave the Peg.--Same as Long Game.
Cut Right.--Same as Long Game.
Cut Left.--Same as Long Game.
O-U-T Period.--Same as Long Game.