My Fire Kit!

Nov 7, 1999
Hey Guys...

Heres a couple of pictures of my Fire Kit.
I just noticed there are a few items missing...
Dryer lint, lighter, Steelwool..Just weren't put back in..



Items include

M14 Nam era mag pouch
Swedish Fire Steel Army model
Wicked Knife Company knife
Fatwood Sticks
Skoal container of fat wood shaving (Maya Dust)
1.5 Triox tabs
Silver packets are some wax type firestarters found a$1 store

Large Tin Box Contents(also used to make char cloth)

Magnifying glass
Steel Striker
2 chunks of natural Flint
Char Cloth
Brass wire
Cotton fabric for char cloth

Esbit Stove
Triox bar
Doan Tool (Magnesium fire starter)

This is only one of my kits..
The other has more of the same,including larger quantities of tinder,, differetn strikers and Pottassium Permangate..

If I'm missing anything let me know...
(I don't carry matches)


Hey nice kit seems like you got everything you would need and more. If you don't mind me asking where did you get that natural flint? I bought a steel striker from ragweedsforge but I never thought of the flint part.
Hey Normark,

The one thing that stuck out in your 'fire making' kit is the brass wire. Is this included (for snares, binding, etc.) just because it's convenient or do you know something about fire making that you should be sharing with the rest of us?

Hey doc I'm not sure but I think the brass wire is for using with a car battery to make it red hot.
Hey Guys...



not only Car batts but A&C&D 3volt 123's cells as well..

I should say also,, that it has to be handled differently that touching a 9V to the Steelwool, and it doesn't always work..Depending on charge in the batts...

I make an electricl fuse with a very few strands of the wool, a glow plug of sorts...
It can also be used to ignite gunpowder...

Not only can steelwool be used,, with the proper amount of current, you can use a graphite pencil lead.. I've even carved a pensil down on both ends to expose the led,, and caught the pencil on fire from the inside out.

Good Eye!


Maybe it is cheating, but it seems that a ligher (bic or the like) is missing from your kit. It'd be the first thing in mine.
Hlee Nomark says...Heres a couple of pictures of my Fire Kit.
I just noticed there are a few items missing...
Dryer lint, lighter, Steelwool..Just weren't put back in..... So he probably has it just forget to put it in the pouch.
Hey Guys..


Actually it is listed as missing from my kit at the verybeginning of the kit...

Generally I don't carry a lighter in my kit, as I don't use them to light fires with..
It is a recently added piece of gear to my kit, and forgot to grab it, with a bunch of stuff on my bench...


maybe some 550 cord in case all else fails or runs out you could make a bow-drill and get blisters on your hands like me!
Normark, I think you have a great kit there, everything anyone would ever want, and more.

One suggestion, something I have been working on with my fire supplies:
Waterproofing. Right now I am keeping things in ziplok baggies or otherwise in plastic film containers, etc.

Just give it some thought, slipping on a stone while crossing a creek, and wham, entire firekit is potentially soaking wet. I don't doubt you'll have some way of making fire with your well stocked kit (like mag and flint) even if it's wet, but, avoiding that whole soaked scene might be better.

Nice set-up! :thumbup:
Hey Guys..


That is a good point...

If it were ever to rain,, it would go in the Dry Bag in my pack...
I also carry a couple of big zip locks that the entire kit would fit in..

Basically the only thing that isn't water tight in that kit is the char cloth and cotton material . Dryer lint and steelwool are also in water tight containers...

As you say though,, it is importnat to keep your Powder Dry as they say..


Hey Guys...

Heres a couple of pictures of my Fire Kit.
I just noticed there are a few items missing...
Dryer lint, lighter, Steelwool..Just weren't put back in..



Items include

M14 Nam era mag pouch
Swedish Fire Steel Army model
Wicked Knife Company knife
Fatwood Sticks
Skoal container of fat wood shaving (Maya Dust)
1.5 Triox tabs
Silver packets are some wax type firestarters found a$1 store

Large Tin Box Contents(also used to make char cloth)

Magnifying glass
Steel Striker
2 chunks of natural Flint
Char Cloth
Brass wire
Cotton fabric for char cloth

Esbit Stove
Triox bar
Doan Tool (Magnesium fire starter)

This is only one of my kits..
The other has more of the same,including larger quantities of tinder,, differetn strikers and Pottassium Permangate..

If I'm missing anything let me know...
(I don't carry matches)



What and how do you use the pottassium Permangate? I have some in grandular form but I make a wood dye for muzzleloaders with it in liquid form.

I also carry some inner tube (ranger band or just a piece of it) & some Vulcanizing Fluid, its the adhesive that you use to fix a patch on a bicycle tyre & its VERY flammable. Maybe chuck some Lifeboat matches in there, too, for all the space theyd take up.
A small container of alcohol based hand sanitizer would have nice dual use potential as a disinfectant/lil' bit of napalm.

It's amazing just how much cheating can be done with a simple accelerant.
Hey Guys...

Hey Ron..

That is very simple...
I'm looking into other mthods of chemicals that react with PPM,,and just ordered another 100gm from the Pharm...

Take maybe a teaspoon full,, or less if you don't want to waste any......
Take from either straight antifreez out of the container,, or dip you car rad for some and pour a table spoon ontop of the PPM..

In about 10-20 secs it will ignite...

Works Great and burners like a Mad, like a road flare...

Ron Now run outside and do it RIGHT NOW.Then post and tell us what happened...

haven't tried vulcanizing fluid,, however I believe it is merely acetone...

Hand sanitizer sounds like it would be cool as well..


One item I recently added to my fire kit--that I haven't tested yet--is about 30 1" segments of barrel bomb or cannon fuse I purchased at a gun show. (It's also available in the muzzleloader section of sporting goods stores.) It'll burn even while floating on water.

I also plan to get some of those gag birthday candles that can't be blown out.

Sometimes keeping a fire going at the early stages is as much of a challenge as getting it started.
Got some firestraws I've had in my pack about a year. Going to break them out and test them soon.