My Latest - Pics

Jul 8, 2002
Well, here is my latest. I finally finished this knife. I made the blade back in September and it has been sitting in oil ever since. I have not "hard" assembled this one yet because I don't know if i like the pummel shape or the color of the gaurd and pummel. They are fired until a brownish purple, kinda neet, but i think I want it more purple/blue.

This is going to go into that display at a local restaurant. I still need to make a couple more knives. I don't know what else to make though, probably either a fighter or a bowie and then a small hunting knife. :confused:

Let me know what you all think.

Anyway, here are the specs:

Blade Length:........8 inches
Overall Length:......13 inches
Blade Thickness:.....3/16 inch
Blade Material:.......C1095 and 15N20
Blade Pattern:.......6 bar Persian Twist
Grip:...................Phosphor Broze and Iron wrap
Furrels:...............Phosphor Bronze



That is one very nice looking knife, i really like the colors and shape of all of it. Do you have a closeup of the grip? How do you make the grip and wrap it? Again i think it is super nice looking :D
Here is the close up og the grip.


The grip has a wood core. I use mahogany because i get it for nothing.:) But oak should work also. You fit your grip core to the tang with the gaurd in place and keep shaving off wood from the end until the pommel screws on and is just snug when parallel to the gaurd. The grip core should start out flush with the gaurd and pummel. If your gaurd is .75 wide so is your core.

I use .030 phosphor bronze wire and .065 iron wire on my grips. You take two pieces of the phos broze and twist them as tight as you can in a clockwise direction. Use an electric drill, it goes real fast. Then take and twist another pair of phos bronze, but in a counter clockwise direction.

You will propably have to anneal the phos broze wire a couple times to get a really tight twist. When you wrap the wires around the grip, lay the two phos bronze next to each other, then the iron next to them. When you wrap the grip, it will look like a herring bone pattern.

Now undersize your grip core by 1/8 inch to allow for the wire and furrel. Make a small slot in the core on the gaurd end, just big enough to allow for the three wires. Stick the ends of the wires in the slot and start wrapping. Wrap as tight as you can. You will really be able to "feel the burn" in your forearms by the time you are done. Clip each wire as it runs off the other end. Once wrapped, soft solder the wire on the extreme ends, not too much though, you don't want the solder to bleed into the wire grip that is not going to be covered by the furrels.

Make your furrels about 1 millimeter small (in circumference) so when they are put on the grip, they will have to be slightly press fit. Once the furrels are on, soft solder then to the core. Oh yeah, use hard solder when making the furrels.

I think that about does it. Hope that helped.
Goog Lord! Thats so nice! How do you make the twist for the blade? Is it one bar cut in 6 sections? I like the brownish colors. They look authenic.

For this one I started with a billet of 17 layers, drew it, doubled it, and then forged it to 3/8 inch square. Unfortunately, I still don't have a band saw.:( But soon, i will have one, because that would save tons of forging time. Thank God i have the power hammer or else i would still be hammering away to get that billet to 3/8.:)

This pattern took huge amounts of material. The original billet was 1.125 x 1.065 x 8 and ended up .25 x 1.25 x 8. CRAZY!!! But worth it!

Once I had the 3/8 inch bar, I cut it into six bars. Twisted three clockwise and three counter clockwise, forged then back to square, alternated them into another billet, welded them, and forged in the tip and stub tang.

This has to be one of my favorite patterns. I will do one again some day after I get a band saw.:D
Laredo7mm, since you have not hard assembled it yet, how about a picture showing off how you did your tang? Might as well show off your "hidden" tallents too:D

Great dagger Laredo! I especially like the damascus. But don't change the color of the guard, I think it will look better this way.
Man when I see that I just wanna pick up my toys and go home! :( snif!

:cool: Just kidding! :D

In fact just the opposite - that is fantastic, you make me want to go make something! Keep it up, you make it look easy but we all know it's not...

dave, would it make you feel any better if i told you that this was my 5th pattern welded blade and my sixth complete knife?

I thought it would :D

All kidding aside, the damascus came pretty easy to me. I look at your guys's stuff and wish I could be that talented. I like the forge, power hammer, and the grinder, I would rather be pounding steel than fitting the handle.

That fit and finish stuff just absolutley kills me :confused: I cannot imagine hand sanding for hours on a blade. Just patience I guess. Right?