Name That Knife!!!

While I have no idea as to the maker of the latest quiz knife, I'm guessing it's one of the obscure(at least in the U.S.) Australian bladesmiths.
OK, I stumped the fish, so, Roger, Priority mail is fine. :)

I'll give you guys a good hint. He is a mastersmith, and, won the Peck award for best submission as a MS applicant, though what year, I won't say. :)
Don, maybe you're not aware, but I REALLY wanted Rogers knife, and I'm 6'8, 375, size 17 feet, and know where you live... :)

How did you get that one? Was it my hint?

Actually, you're only mostly right, Heather, also a MS and Kevin's wife, forged the damascus, Kevin merely made the knife. :)

OK, I'm really going to have to find a tough one, stay tuned.
Yes Mega, your hint helped, it narrowed it down to MS makers :D
But that was a very difficult one.

Don Hanson lll
Jus' kiddin! I'm 6' 1", wear a size 13 shoe, was a USMC "Designated Marksman" in the Corps, I ALSO am always armed--but with a Wilson Combat .45 not a plastic Glock. I also came 4 points off the ALL-Time Parris Island range record for putting 9 of 10 rounds in a man-size target's HEAD at 500 yards (with an open-sighted M-16) did some training with a little "secret Army group" outta Camp Dawson W.VA and did some IDPS (international defensive pistol SHOOTING) where the indigenous people actually fired BACK! So your last comment on the "closed forum" has really given me the "all over fidgets!" ONLY MASTERSMITHS ARE WORTHY!! ALL OTHER Knifemakers SUCK.
Take it to email James. :rolleyes: This is an enjoyable thread. No need to cyberstalk all the guys threads.
Ari, I apologize for stalking you to this thread. And Sammy B--MY thread was "supposed" to be enjoyable too--just posted a couple pics of knives I like and it turned into this name-calling 6-grader's grudge-match! I like a LOT of other people's knives--including your collection Ari, wish mine came CLOSE--I just don't think calling someone a "Master-bater" is akin to saying big John Fitch could only cut 1 rope. Shiva is a friend of mine, I tend to get defensive about people I know and respect, and--while I agree that "pathetic" was NOT the term I would have chosen, to a man's whose knives cut 16-1" ropes OVER AND OVER I could see how that MIGHT seem less than impressive. Anyway, Ari, please accept my apology for needing to get the last word in there. We're both knife lovers and are on the same team. I am bowing-out as a gentleman. Best to you and happy collecting. Jim USMC
James, I too would wish to end this as friends, I guess I tend to joke around a bit, and I didn't mean to offend you, Ki, maybe, but only because I felt, as others do/did that he had been insulting, but I do feel badly that your well intentioned post turned into what it did, felt that way right up until you said I was an armchair commando. :) So, rather than us take "shots" at each other (literally, or figuritively) :) let's part as fellow knife lovers and friends, and, should you ever come my way, we'll go get a beer or 2, or 3, and maybe hit the range (before the beer), where I'll try to convince you the Glock is superior to the 1911... :) (I have a stainless Kimber that I like very much too. :) )
OK, to get this thread back on track, here is another name that knife puzzle.

Now, Danbo and Don are disqualified from this one because they both know it, all others are welcome to try (including James). :)


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Megalobyte said:
Nice goin Don, now he knows for sure, and, I was bluffing... :)

Actually, Ari, Roger is only half correct. There is another name on that blade, besides Knight.
Ok- let's get this one going again....

That's got to be one of the broadest ones so far. Generic damascus pattern, generic blade profile. Unless I'm missing something, it could be anyone.