Need some smoke & prayers for my Dad

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Gold Member
Sep 10, 2007
My Dad was in a serious motorcycle accident this morning.He has massive head trauma.He broke all the bones in the left side of his face,fractured his skull & his brain is swollen.I couldn't even recognize him.His head is swollen up like a balloon.
(6PM bad)He lost a lot of blood & his BP was only 80/41.He was ice cold to the touch.The doctors said he may not make it through the night.
He was wearing one of those idiotic 'half-helmets'.Had he been wearing a normal helmet,he would've been a lot better off.
My old man will be 69 this January.As long as I've known him,he's been the happiest when he was on his bike.This is like his SIXTH motorcycle accident.I've been telling him for years,he needs to give it up,but he's stubborn as a mule!The last few times I was in the car with him,he would just make stupid mistakes.He wasn't paying attention to the road like he should have(like he used to when he was younger).I refused to ride with him anymore.I also told my wife I don't want her or the kids riding with him anymore either.
(10PM slightly better)He seemed to know we were there,but I can't be sure.I just had a 'feeling'.The doctors said he's a stable as he's going to get & we should go home & get some rest.
My old man's a nasty SOB most of the time & I have more bad memories than good ones growing up with him,but he's still my old man & I love him.He's got a big heart,but would never show it.When my wife was hospitalized most of last year,he went & seen her almost as much as I did.He's a good man that just never learned to get his temper under control(sounds a bit like yours truly:rolleyes::eek:) & at his age,he probably never will.

If you wouldn't mind,say a little prayer or send some positive thoughts our way.We sure could use them.:(

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Hey buddy, thoughts and prayers go out to you, your dad, and your family/

You say he is stubborn as a mule? He will get better!

Smoke sent for all your family
Smoke and prayers for your Dad, you, and your family.
Damn...sorry to hear, brother.
Smoke rising from Penn's woods for your Dad, you, and your family.
Prayer has been sent,I went thru the same thing with my son back in 2009,he was in the ER for two weeks,spinal section two more weeks,then three months in rehab,but by the grace of God he is OK now,so hang in there,more prayers to follow.
I was dozing off in the ICU waiting room.Now when I finally get home in my bed I'm wide awake.:grumpy:

I'm hoping he makes it through this,but at the same time I don't want him waking up a drooling vegetable.

Thanks for the prayers & well wishes.You guys are the best.:thumbup:
Good God, man. I'll say some prayers right away and send up some smoke. I hope he will be ok.
John I am so sorry to hear this horrible news. My prayers and thoughts will be with your Dad for a full and speedy recovery.

Take it easy there brother..........

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