need some smoke & prayers for my Wife please

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I just took Pat to the hospital this morning.I woke up to find her vomiting & hunched over in excruciating pain.It kills me to see her in so much pain.I wish they did the surgery on the 9th,so we could be in the healing process already.

Sorry for this,I'm just keeping you all updated & I needed to write this down somewhere.It feels a little better to share.

I am sorry that your wife is so sick and in so much pain!!! Thank you for keeping us updated. I am still praying for her.
Today's the big day.After all the paperwork,bumping dates,testing & retesting,the time has finally come.At 9am today Pat will be being prepped for surgery.

Please keep us in your thoughts & prayers & throw in an extra one for my sweet Pat.

Thanks,John & Pat Roderick

This is how I feel right now :(:eek::barf::(:eek::barf::barf::barf:
More good thoughts headed y'alls way, man!
I hope things went well. I'll say a prayer for you both.
After all the paperwork, bumping dates, testing & retesting, the surgeons are ready. Leave it to them, and to all our prayers.
:thumbup:Thanks for all the prayers & kind thoughts.

We're off to the hospital.

I'll keep you all updated.
Prayers and well wishes still being sent out, may her pain and discomfort go away swiftly.

best of luck on todays surgery, may it be quick and smooth,

The surgery is done.The doctor said she's happy the way it turned out.The doctor was able to do laparoscopic surgery,so there wasn't a whole lot of cutting like old fashioned surgery.Less recovery time too.The doctor told me about all the things she's concerned about that could happen during recovery.It wasn't very reassuring,but I know she had to tell me.
I seen Pat after the surgery.She was all doped up,but still in a lot of pain.Dam it hurts like hell to see her like that.With all those tubes & machines.
We're not in the clear yet,but I have faith she'll pull through.

I can't thank you all enough for all your prayers & well wishes.I think it truly had an impact on the results.

I'm glad to hear that all went somewhat well. I'll continue to pray for you. Thank God for modern technology that can help conditions like hers.
JTR, I just saw this. My prayers are sent to you and your wife for a speedy recovery.
That's great news! Take it easy and let the healing take its time, don't hurry it.
:thumbup:Thanks again everyone

Pat came home yesterday.She's healing up good!:)
A little late, but prayers sent that she continues to recover properly.
I rarely visit the community forum and just found this. I'm glad that she's home now and hope the best for the two of you :)

Smoke and Prayers for a speedy recovery, J.
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