Dunno about the greed part....Seems recently, many good things are left undone unless they are coincident with somebody's greed. But I agree, it's good that Poland will back us up with more than words. Seems like some folks in Congress are switching now, since things have gone this far. Of course who knows if their thinking has changed, or they just figured out which horse is closest to the finish?
Speaking of greed, anyone else revolted that Merril was able to engineer an indulgence from the SEC for their role in setting up scams for Enron at the bargain price of $80 million? What's that compared to say, art they bought for their headquarters? Or what they made by setting up the scams? :barf:
Maybe some folks in the Middle East are wondering why people in the US don't revolt. I can see why folks whose religion discourages usury could be quite unhappy if they thought our current economic practices might be foisted upon them. I ain't so impressed with a lot of 'em myself.
Who else thinks Russia, France, Germany and Belgium will try and demand a big piece of any business or influence generated by the aftermath as "proof" that the US wasn't acting out of "imperialism"?