Nervous as hell about the war...

Jul 5, 1999
...but so proud to be an American that my heart is bursting.

The rape, the torture, the killing--we are going to put an end to it.

And I am proud as hell that the Brits and the Australians are going to be there with us.

So true, I agree. Poland has dedicated some 200 men as a symbolic gesture of their support. The French government won't even do that much.
There is still some good sense in some of the other countries and not run totally by greed. They at least give some kind of support to a job that should have been done a long time ago.:)
Dunno about the greed part....Seems recently, many good things are left undone unless they are coincident with somebody's greed. But I agree, it's good that Poland will back us up with more than words. Seems like some folks in Congress are switching now, since things have gone this far. Of course who knows if their thinking has changed, or they just figured out which horse is closest to the finish?

Speaking of greed, anyone else revolted that Merril was able to engineer an indulgence from the SEC for their role in setting up scams for Enron at the bargain price of $80 million? What's that compared to say, art they bought for their headquarters? Or what they made by setting up the scams? :barf:

Maybe some folks in the Middle East are wondering why people in the US don't revolt. I can see why folks whose religion discourages usury could be quite unhappy if they thought our current economic practices might be foisted upon them. I ain't so impressed with a lot of 'em myself.


Who else thinks Russia, France, Germany and Belgium will try and demand a big piece of any business or influence generated by the aftermath as "proof" that the US wasn't acting out of "imperialism"?
You know, I was against a war with Iraq (still am I guess). Not that I don't think Sadaam needs to be dealt with, more that I think his spot on the "things to do" list are a bit out of place. Osama and his crew and Korea are a more serious threat IMHO...

BUT, now that the iron has been struck, we need to swarm over Iraq, kick serious butt and let EVERYONE see what happens when they piss off the USA. Hopefully that'll give others second thoughts on screwing with us (and God willing, prevent having to repeat the whole process again some day).

Let me say that I am against a war with IRAQ... the whole process that got us here... NOT AGAINST THE TROOPS!!! We really need to support our guys/gals now more than ever. They are going into harms way on the orders of our government and deserve whatever we can give them or their families left at home. God Bless them all and keep them safe.

Prayers going out of all involved...

you ain't kiddin...

Last night watching the news and imagining defending my own home really brought it all into perspective. Yes, uproot Saddam, but in the meantime, protect civilians - tough task. Wouldn't want to be there, but, like Dave, glad there are folks willing to do it.
The military is acknowledging anecdotal reports this morning of Iraq troops attempting surrender in the North.

I am nervous about a biological agent tossed into Israel or our troops.

I also feared that Saddam would be willing to use the scorched earthe policy, thereby doing more hurt to 'his' country than any invading force. Also I worried that OSama Bin Runnin would be silly enuf to det a nuke or chem weapoon in Afg. I have this pic burned into my head of hundreds of thousands of troops walking into a city, only to have some fanatic det a nuke or chem weapon, thereby frying all citizens and troops.

Let's hope that the majority of Iraqis are resonable folks. With any luck, our troops piled up will make the senior staffers of Iraq accidentally off Saddam. There may still be a peaceful resolution to this.

I doubt that the Repub Guard he has will fare much better this time around. My buddy was a tanker in Desert Storm/Desert Shield, and he said it was just pitiful how ill equipped the top-notch Iraqis were. they jsut wanted the basics that we take for granted.

Something that I heard the other day worries me.. the chance that Saddam would launch some missles at Isreal to provoke them to retaliate... thus "launching" a holy war with the other muslim nations joining in. That would blow up the whole region..

He certainly doesn't have anything to lose at this point.

Isreal has stated it will protect itself if attacked. I'm afraid this whole thing will be bigger than planned :(
It was amazing Isreal didn't retaliate last time...I doubt that they could be convinced not to this time.

Incursions by Turkey against Kurds in the North could make things blow up pretty fast, too.

The EU and NATO could be facing the kind of strife and inability to do anything that neuters the UN.

Seems a lot more potential for things to expand this time. Hope the saying "A stitch in time saves nine" won't be demonstrated. But I can't think that things won't just get even worse if something isn't done now....seems like things went past the point of no return a while back.
I'm concerned about the Iraqis setting fire to the trenches they have purportedly dug and filled or are filling with oil.
I also saw where they had ignited a sort of test trench the other day and it was throwing off lots of black smoke.
It concerns me as to how our troops will be able to cross them safely without being led into a trap.
I hate to see it happen the way it's happening, but then I don't believe there was any other choice with the situation with France and other past allies.
Interesting that France is waffleing now and saying that they will do something to help if WMD are used.
"The rape, the torture, the killing--we are going to put an end to it."

That's great news. And when we are finished in LA, we ought to move on and clean up Detroit, Chicago, and New York City.
There's a 100 ways it could turn to ****. I'm hoping it doesn't.

Ed: Notice I got busted for profanity.

I feel so much better knowing the French might get involved if Saddam resorts to the chemical and biological weapons he claimed he didn't have.:rolleyes: He also claimed he wouldn't set fire to his own oil fields, but I wouldn't take his word for it.:mad:

And when we are finished in LA, we ought to move on and clean up Detroit, Chicago, and New York City.

Crime exists in every society, but hopefully in most societies it's not sanctioned and directed by the ruling party against it's own citizenry.

I want to get rid of the rape, torture and killing in Cherokee, KS before I visit again on Memorial Day.
Dave and Don, I'm glad that you appreciate the presence of Polish soldiers, even if in such a small number. We're sending the best guys we have: GROM elite commando unit (they were on Haiti in 94, in the Balkans, and recently in Stan). I'm proud that Polish and American soldiers will be fighting together again for a good cause.
But I'm also worried as h**ll, since there are so many bad things that may happen: more terrorist attacks, global jihad... I'm still hoping that Saddam will flee at the last moment and the war will never happen, but I don't think it'd be possible. It's a real life, not a Hollywood movie.
Prayers are on their way for all good boys out there.
i saw an interesting doco on the aussie tv today, for all those people out there who are spoutin off about saddam and iraq not proven to be supporting terrorists ?????:mad:

how about $25,000 usa dollars paid to every suicide bombers family in cash

how about $10,000 usa for every terrorist killed in terrorist activities, paid to his family in cash :mad:

i wonder how much he paid towards the us and aussies killed:mad:

the mind boggles:(

disgusted kendo :(