New GSM Cold Steel Refuses to Sell/Ship Me Replacement Pocket Clip

Jul 9, 2020
So I have been looking at the Cold Steel Talwar plain edge xl for some time now and I see it on sale on Amazon for a good price, also with finance options. The knife arrives as its meant to replace a knife in my left pocket I go to reverse the clip (its ambidextrous, 2 sides drilled) and find the clip is NOT ambidextrous. Nowhere in the box it was shipped with was there an extra left handed clip. I called Cold Steel and after a long wait on hold was told that they do not sell individual pocket clips and that I would have to return the knife and hope my next one had it. It makes no sense that a company who made the entire knife (handle, blade and all) cannot make a simple pocketclip and sell it or send it. I had this knife financed so its not like the return would be easy, they didn't care. The old Cold Steel would have sent me the pocket clip free of charge with a thank you. I told the woman on the phone that I have over 25 Cold Steel knives and I'm a huge fan, this didn't seem to really even matter to her and she just kept repeating that they do not provide pocket clips. This company has really gone down the drain and I was actually kind of optimistic seeing "stickman" but lately their customer service and QC are simply dog shit.
So I have been looking at the Cold Steel Talwar plain edge xl for some time now and I see it on sale on Amazon for a good price, also with finance options. The knife arrives as its meant to replace a knife in my left pocket I go to reverse the clip (its ambidextrous, 2 sides drilled) and find the clip is NOT ambidextrous. Nowhere in the box it was shipped with was there an extra left handed clip. I called Cold Steel and after a long wait on hold was told that they do not sell individual pocket clips and that I would have to return the knife and hope my next one had it. It makes no sense that a company who made the entire knife (handle, blade and all) cannot make a simple pocketclip and sell it or send it. I had this knife financed so its not like the return would be easy, they didn't care. The old Cold Steel would have sent me the pocket clip free of charge with a thank you. I told the woman on the phone that I have over 25 Cold Steel knives and I'm a huge fan, this didn't seem to really even matter to her and she just kept repeating that they do not provide pocket clips. This company has really gone down the drain and I was actually kind of optimistic seeing "stickman" but lately their customer service and QC are simply dog shit.
Yeah it's total BS. I could somewhat understand them not including a lefty clip as standard anymore to save money, but if you're going to do that, then you have to make them available for sale to the people that want them.
I've been thinking about the lefty clips.

Isn't GSM controlled by the Chinese? In general, the Chinese don't care about left-handed people. It seems to be a deep cultural thing.

Of course, there are many more left-handed people in Western countries than in China, and the lack of lefty clips in CS products may alienate a good amount of people from the brand. I'm not left-handed but the whole thing bothers me. And if they prefer to practice that petty economy than to please their customers, that's not a good sign.
I've been thinking about the lefty clips.

Isn't GSM controlled by the Chinese? In general, the Chinese don't care about left-handed people. It seems to be a deep cultural thing.

Of course, there are many more left-handed people in Western countries than in China, and the lack of lefty clips in CS products may alienate a good amount of people from the brand. I'm not left-handed but the whole thing bothers me. And if they prefer to practice that petty economy than to please their customers, that's not a good sign.
At least let people buy them for extra money, though. SMH, GSM.
Many years in the past left-handers were "re-educated" in schools in many western countries to become right-handed. This happened with my grandparents, who told me that their teachers tied their left hands behind their backs so they could write with their right. It is possible that this type of behavior continues nowadays in China and results in these statistics that are being reported. However that may be, the fact that GSM persistently ignores its left-handed customers is clearly discriminatory. And it is another element that leads one to think that Cold Steel is actually dead.
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I used to be able to recommend Cold Steel for many reasons , one of them being that most of their folders were fully ambidextrous .

Used to be a great company for the Lefties (who don't have too many options ) or any right hander needing a left pocket "weak side " folder .

Not anymore , apparently .

Sad ...just sad . :(
I’d like to have been able to say it’s because of the “changing of the guard” and GSM finding their footing with Cold Steel, but it’s been a few months now. There is no professional excuse for lackluster customer service. Something as mundane as supplying pocket clips should be a non-issue, or at the very least the customer should be informed of supply shortages.
I’d like to have been able to say it’s because of the “changing of the guard” and GSM finding their footing with Cold Steel, but it’s been a few months now. There is no professional excuse for lackluster customer service. Something as mundane as supplying pocket clips should be a non-issue, or at the very least the customer should be informed of supply shortages.

I think that, for them, it simply does not worth the trouble.

They're not thinking in terms of long run. The only thing that counts is to make all the money they can while cutting costs and saving in every detail. Therefore (I may be exaggerating, but not too much I guess) I can no longer trust anything they make. Old Steel became Gold Steel.

Again, I have nothing against the Chinese people, but it's obvious that they have adopted a wicked and suicidal mentality, which is being reflected in many ways. This is not the place for such discussions, so I'll not talk about this any longer. But, for me, the lack of clips, and the lack of care regarding their customers, are just symptoms of something way bigger.

Just my 2 cents.
I think that, for them, it simply does not worth the trouble.

They're not thinking in terms of long run. The only thing that counts is to make all the money they can while cutting costs and saving in every detail. Therefore (I may be exaggerating, but not too much I guess) I can no longer trust anything they make. Old Steel became Gold Steel.

Again, I have nothing against the Chinese people, but it's obvious that they have adopted a wicked and suicidal mentality, which is being reflected in many ways. This is not the place for such discussions, so I'll not talk about this any longer. But, for me, the lack of clips, and the lack of care regarding their customers, are just symptoms of something way bigger.

Just my 2 cents.
Let's keep the discussion to pocket clips, thanks.
Here's a short story about knife clips.

I gave a buddy a couple of Benchmade Grips, a mini and regular, with the grey G10 scales, and 20CV steel. He likes them a lot and carries them all the time. Broke the clip on the mini so I sent him a Lynch replacement. It's all great, and I even gave him a Blue Tool so he can keep things nice and tight.

So a couple weeks ago, I notice the clip of the regular Grip in his left pocket. I'm like, What's up with that? Oh, he says, I keep my wallet and phone in my RFP, so I just keep my knife over here.

He hasn't changed the clip position for Left Front Pocket carry??!! I'm all WTF, dude? He just shrugs and looks at me like I'm crazy. I'm like, how can you carry your knife like that? It would drive me insane. He's all, You're already crazy.

I guess my point is that a regular person is unlikely to think too much about clips. And I've been looking for an excuse to tell this little tale.