New kid

G L Drew

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Feedback: +289 / =0 / -0
Feb 3, 2005
I spent all afternoon taking photos and getting set up as a new knifemaker thread and put it in the wrong place. Here I go again.

First Post

Small fighter / Boot knife
highly polished finish
heat treat to 58- 60 Rc by D'Holder with cryogenic quench
Over all lenth: 8 5/8"
Blade: 1/8" x 4 3/8
Full tang
Dovetail brass bolster
Rosewood handle
$ SOLD shipped anywhere in continental US.
Sorry but I don't have Pay Pal set up yet, will have to take a money order.
The knife is sold. Thanks for the kind remarks. I will be retiring from my day job in a couple of months and will become a full time knife maker when I am not hunting or fishing so I expect to have more knives for sale here.

Love this site!
Very nice work!! are you going to be doing your own sheaths, farm them out, or just the knife?
I neglected to put a photo of my sheath on this one and the buyer was delighted that it came with one. Look at my other threads in this forum, I learned to attach a copy of the sheaths that go with those knives. I try to keep away from too much added work on my knives to keep the cost down. It shows in my sheaths; just plain vegetable tanned leather but very servicable.