New Production grind coming......

I was certain I wanted my first Hinderer to be the spanto grind until I saw this thread. Now, I'm conflicted...
I am very proud to announce that I was fortunate/quick enough to win one of these in this mornings flash sale!

Truly excited for the newest production grind from the Ranch!!:D
I am very proud to announce that I was fortunate/quick enough to win one of these in this mornings flash sale!

Truly excited for the newest production grind from the Ranch!!:D

I saw that you speed ninja, congrats man!!!
Can't wait for mine to arrive, I was one of the lucky 7 as well. My first glad to finally score one!
Congratulations to both of you! Cant wait to score one myself. I'm dreaming of one w/ an anodized handle :)
You and me both my friend. The idea of adding a Hinderer skinner xm-18 is now a reality and a possibility. Bam (food sizzling sound).
51 posts and well over 2K views. Hummm...

I look forward to the hopeful day I make one of these mine.
I hope to one day have one while I still have control of my motor functions...... gripping, bowels, eyesight too maybe.
Well folks thanks to a good friend I had a nice package waiting for me today when I got home... And here she be...

Lucky Man KJ, I'd feel pretty special if I had one of those waiting to greet me - my grail Hinderer is a Skinner (always has been) :)

Ever since the first time I saw one.
I do feel very fortunate Rubi... And thanks to a good friend that it is possible :D They are something to experience... And I am sure you will have one in no time Rubi...
Hoping to score at the show tomorrow!

Is it just me or has the herd discussion largely moved to the Facebook lately? Hope to see some others there, FB or not :)
Congrats Justin! Your skinner looks fantastic. I hope that your neck feels better. :)
Glad the neck's better. Mine now aches a bit as I slung my head from side to side pouting "" as I see more of you score production Skinners. :grumpy:
