New Products Debuting at SHOT show!!!!!

Stainless will cause a buzz. Any word on anyother products? Perhaps a cost announcment for pack kits or the revelation of a US producer of said pack?
I meant an interest from ESEE to produce one Joe. And I agree. I've practically begged for a choilless ESEE 4.
TheGame said:
Also, welcome to the forum, great group of people
Thankyou for that TheGame. Maybe because I'm not much for Kool Aid and my posts obviously reflect that, but you are one of only a few to welcome me here. I do appreciate it.
Heres the deal with the laserstrike. The screws will be regular screws. You will be able to use the flat head screw driver attachment on a multitool. They will also have washers on a lanyard that you can use to easily unscrew them in a pinch.
We will not sell or give away the prototypes. The lock on the folder is going to be a frame lock.

yo mrs. s, is the lockbar going to be heat treated, or have an insert? sorry if I missed the answer somewhere else, my brain's been leaking all over the town. laserstrike looks good, too. :thumbup:
yo mrs. s, is the lockbar going to be heat treated, or have an insert? sorry if I missed the answer somewhere else, my brain's been leaking all over the town. laserstrike looks good, too. :thumbup:

YO Din. I don't know.
Sorry guys, super busy this week. Left the room at 6am and just now got back and it's like that every day. I'll answer questions as I get chances.

Stainless will cause a buzz. Any word on anyother products? Perhaps a cost announcment for pack kits or the revelation of a US producer of said pack?

The revelation on the pack kits is that were going to be our own producers. Jeff and Mike started up their own shop and it'll slowly be coming up to speed.
Man, I'm right there with ya dexter. I hate them both as well. I'm really disappointed in this "bushcraft" LaserStrike. It doesn't look like a lot of research went into what users prefer in a bushcraft style knife. Take a quick look around at the most popular bushcraft knives ESEE. Huge choils or lengthy ricassos are not on that list of preferences. If a cheap Mora knife can get it right, why can't ESEE? I just don't get it.

The laserstrike is hardly a "bushcraft" knife in the traditional sense.

The laserstrike design predates the popularization of the term "bushcraft" and the knives that have come to embody it.

I think what Mike was trying to say in that quote is that the laserstrike was designed as a general woods knife used to do alot of the functions that are commonly associated with "bushcrafting".

We weren't looking to do a bushcraft design with it's reintroduction.

As for ESEE not listening to it's customers........ Don't know what to tell you on that one.

-Stainless knives.

-Izula II.

-Clip point models.

-Alteration of the HEST fixed blade handles.

-ESEE-3 folder.

-Redesign of the original RAT pack.

-Pink Izulas.

-Orange scales.

-The RAT pack knife.

All results of customer feedback and I can go on and on and on.....

Sorry you don't like choils, we do.
Heres the deal with the laserstrike. The screws will be regular screws. You will be able to use the flat head screw driver attachment on a multitool. They will also have washers on a lanyard that you can use to easily unscrew them in a pinch.

Thanks for the update on that, it sounds like win. :thumbup:

I'm really looking forward to getting me hands on one. :D
The revelation on the pack kits is that were going to be our own producers. Jeff and Mike started up their own shop and it'll slowly be coming up to speed.

Oh that can only lead to me being a much more poor.

And it probably not worth a whole hell of a lot but all I've seen in my short time following ESEE, they definitely listen to their custys.
You can't please all the people all the time. I'm not a big fan of the Laserstrike or the 5 for that matter but that's ok. ESEE, like any other company offers a range of products and doesn't expect that everyone will like everything they produce. Get what you want, leave what you don't.
That being said, I can't wait to get the ESEE-3 folder, ESEE-4 SS, Izula folder and may also get an Izula II...oh and the DPx HEST folder for good measure!
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