New Rules

I think the rules that were put in place really helped straighten certain things and people out. I know myself, I sorta lost my way a bit and am trying to be a better forum member. I have made some poor choices on the forum in recent months. The rules helped me put things in perspective and understand what this forum really is and isnt for.
Thank you for the excellent knives you make and continue to make and thank you for the outstanding customer service.
I want you guys to stop making so many knives that I want to buy, I don't know if my marriage can take it... but don't stop.
Well, I'm happy to see the pendulum swinging back toward center. It certainly had gone to a bad place with too much negativity, but I'm thankful for some information starting to flow again.
This topic made me so angry.

I want you guys to stop making so many knives that I want to buy, I don't know if my marriage can take it... but don't stop.

Yea, thats a true statement I will have to second. Once the 566 drops, I am officially out of money. DadGUMMIT!

Please KAI, don't release anymore variations of the 566!
Not to jinx it, but I wonder how much of the current smooth ride can be attributed to the steady flow and variety of the drugs (knives) the pusher (manufacturer) has managed to get into the pipeline since early July (ZT 0600, 0801, 0300BW).

Thankfully, that stream seems to be unabated with the ZT 0566, 0777-M390, 0560BW, 0770 (two types) and 0888 (two types).

As addicts time to get more ducks in a row and curtail/refrain from other pushers (manufacturers).

Keep the flow going KAI/ZT... :thumbup:
We owe you all a big thank you for participating here! Clearly the people that love you all are here and the people that don't shouldn't bother being here so keep rocking on!!! But seriously, don't rock so fast, my wallet can't keep up with the awesomeness that is KAI lately. :)
This probably helps, but I think it also has a lot to do with smacking down the miscreants :)

Not to jinx it, but I wonder how much of the current smooth ride can be attributed to the steady flow and variety of the drugs (knives) the pusher (manufacturer) has managed to get into the pipeline since early July (ZT 0600, 0801, 0300BW).

Thankfully, that stream seems to be unabated with the ZT 0566, 0777-M390, 0560BW, 0770 (two types) and 0888 (two types).

As addicts time to get more ducks in a row and curtail/refrain from other pushers (manufacturers).

Keep the flow going KAI/ZT... :thumbup:
I think it also has a lot to do with smacking down the miscreants :)

Which has been done with less negativity and abruptness lately. It's in the choice of words. To the point while civil and respectful. May be the button instead of saying "Post Quick Reply" should say "Post Thouthful Reply"... :)
This is bob requesting a flyby, come in tower Kai I am requesting a flyby.


You never did say anything about doing flybys :D