New Stuff

Mar 22, 2002
I think we are evolving through our play and our work. When I was in college we established different behavior patterns than were acceptable to an ealier generation, (perhaps affordable) ...remember 'Grok'? Packs of 20 year old children dancing and playing music, reading mystic and religious texts, striving to 'further', themselves and the world around them? It was not just a blip. IN that stoned-out, which way did they go? sort of free float, children naturally create, there are the building blocks of a new society and organization of Man. Free form. Here's this Winter wind howling through the pines in Montana hills where black bear and cougar eyes watch guarded. Moisture is in the air and every animal knows it- even this one, even me.
No snow on the ground you could sleep in a thicket tonight against the wind for warmth.
We sat on lawn chairs in the dark, the house lights off and few street lamps below, the cushions full of needles and listened to Owls and Wind. We heard the movement of branches of trees on the limestone cliffs.
Later inside the boys put on tapes from a youth I'd forgotten, crazy folk music, about all kinds of things, love, life, pain, strife: and two peeled oranges and tooted flutes while the oldest listened to literature from the computer screen. The noise blended together as a party. A natural occurance; God makes human beings who know how to have fun. So my 3 hootin tootin dancin pracin little freaks made my heart swell with pride. Because I knew I was with my people. This process is going on, continuing on in homes across this earth; people sharing and growing in family units, living and loving up. We're getting better. God is good to us. My boys make the voice of the land. They sing with the wind. They are time. They reach and are learning and hope for tomorow. They do not fear as I did as a child. The bangs with sticks and the drummings would be racciously annoying to a faithful digital record, but it is honey to the ears of the world.

I don't know where man is going but we are moving on. We forget that. We think we stand still. I can't wait to take my family camping.

BruiseLeee said:
Mankind is doomed. The currency of the future will be Pez. Stock up while you can.

Yup...and I already have my wallet.

It's a Batman model dispenser.:thumbup:
....great...I touch upon the sacred heart that beats within us all, that still carries the voices of our friends Rusty and Bill, and you two Barflies/existential angst bringers/ rapidly aging neor-were hippies show up and talk about the WRAPPER. The WRAPPER. OH My God Am I REally All Alone?

We have the potential to be doomed.
We have the potential to get better.

Each generation stands on the shoulders of the previous.
But sometimes we forget history and repeat mistakes.

It's tough. We need to remember both the valuable discoveries and the painful yet valuable mistakes. There's a big risk of discarding memories because they were painful, or because they seemed insignificant.
munkThe WRAPPER. OH My God Am I REally All Alone? munk[/quote said:
The WRAPPER used to generally be a Trojan, or sometimes a Shiek.:thumbup: They left a ring on your wallet.;) :o
I'm probably not taking what you wrote as you meant, but you gotta expect that. It reads a little more like poetry than prose. Please take that as a compliment.
Good stuff Munk, as always!

Who brought "Rappers" into the thread?

Were you all listening to rap music?

I admit, some of it is very clever...

Some of it gets a bad, well...... Rap?

I have heard of Christian rap.

How do they distinguish it? Do they put a "C" in front of it?


True story:
I got sober many years ago and wrote poetry. I saved all my money and bought a word processor. I loved that little green screen. Anyway, I submitted everywhere and everywhere said "NO". I had no idea what I was doing. I was just writing from the heart. I sent some stuff to a Chapbook called Free Lunch, and to my surprise almost, almost got published. Well, Ron Offen, the Editor, didn't like ONE word, and for that ONE word munk was not in print. But the Editor and I seemed to have some things in common and I wrote him a couple crazy letters and continued to send him stuff. The premise of his Periodical is that every serious poet living in the US will recieve a free Subscription to Free Lunch. He had famous authors trying to write poetry who couldn't get in and were frustrasted, people writing situation comedies in Hollywood who felt neglected and in their spare time wanted to be real and their stuff was refused. I recieved my free subscription, which I still have to this day. Years later it turned hillarious as the Who's Who in American Poet's wanted me to sign up to buy their book. They compiled a list using various sources and obviously anyone on Ron Offen's list had to be. I mean, I was sent a form to fill in stuff about I short story published, otherwise, nothing, no poetry published: that is how I almost became the only poet in America to be in the Who's Who of Poetry Who has never published a single work!!!!

I should have done it just to establish the bench mark. The kind of mark our own Bruise would admire.

I was never a hippy and never knew one.....I was of the Sex Pistols punk "let's-go-down-fighting" idea that comes close to yours would be I like to go into the woods and sit better way to find God ;)
You don't raise kids for the fame and money.
You don't write poetry for the fame and money.
At least a 15-year-old poem doesn't yell at you that it hates you.
I like to go into the woods and sit better way to find God >>>>>>>>>>>>Krull

That suits me to a T

Munk as read your musings ;I'm reminded of "Notes to Myself" a good read.

Please keep it up .Al
Some of my 15 year old poems do some funky things though!

Sometimes I hate them, because they mock me!



munk said:
... So my 3 hootin tootin dancin pracin little freaks made my heart swell with pride. Because I knew I was with my people. This process is going on, continuing on in homes across this earth; people sharing and growing in family units, living and loving up. We're getting better. God is good to us. My boys make the voice of the land. They sing with the wind. They are time. They reach and are learning and hope for tomorow. They do not fear as I did as a child. The bangs with sticks and the drummings would be racciously annoying to a faithful digital record, but it is honey to the ears of the world.

I don't know where man is going but we are moving on. We forget that. We think we stand still. I can't wait to take my family camping.


Hey, munk, I think I grok you.

You get to relive childhood, to a degree, though your children's experiences.

And you're seeing their future good times, remembering your own.

And probably thinking about how you can make their growing up years better than yours. Because that's what I would do, if we had kids.

I always heard having children was the only immortality... neat to see it happening.

and well-written slice of life as always. Tx.


Oops, meant to say, clicked on this "New Stuff" thread looking for the Falcatas... you're connected... Any word? :p
I have a little rocking chair that was my dads when he was a kid. My daughter drags that thing around the living room and uses it constantly. She likes camping too. We've taken her to the acquarium and zoo, and a petting zoo where they let you pet deer and see injured wild animals. She loves nature. I can't wait to camp with her this spring either. The first songs I got her into were the ones my parents gave me on 45 from their youth. Big Girls Don't Cry, Upside Down, Great Balls of Fire...

I'm with you Munk. I'm just a little apprehensive about when she becomes a teenager and does her own "evolving.":(
Not quite, Mike. They're with me. "Advanced' ways of talking and communicating we found in college? They're making that now. I'm not reliving my childhood; I'm living my life. They are too.

Grok. Heh, I should go read Stranger in a Strange Land again. Heinlein is (was?) a real master.