for a long time i sought my people, and for the most part, i think i've found them. some of them are online (wave), and some of them i know from festivals of the folk music/dancing, and some from camping with 200 friends, and some are just there. it's good to have such things.
every now and then you run across someone and just KNOW they are "kin" of a type. you don't know who they are, but you get that feeling really fast that you could be long friend in short minutes in the right context. it's a good feeling that.
a couple summers ago, one of the latch key kids in my neighborhood is wandering around the complex. she's about 11ish, bookish, and even kinda "nerdy". my kind of people. she was looking for sticks, to tie together, to get her kite out of a tree. i volunteered to help her, if her mom said it was okay, so she runs off, comes back with mom to meet the weird man, and we go off to rescue the kite - kites are special creatures to be cherished you know. well. long story short is that the kite got down, but was totalled. a store bought kite of little soul. the girl was bummed. i said "well, no worries", and showed her how to make a kite from some scavenged nearby newspaper, sticks, and string that she already had. voila! kite. the look on her face was precious. little gears turning. i'll bet that 5-10 years after the fact, she'll probably not remember me in any real sense other than "that weird kite guy", but i saw something click that day - some good old yankee creativity and ingenuity that she already had. more folx like that are needed everyday.