New XM-18 4th Gen

Here's what one in black G10 looks like...


Thanks I may keep it stock after all, I put the CF on another last night and tied a nice lanyard to it.
I don't do photos like this often, but if it helps some determine scale preferences then...

Textured carbon fiber
Orange G10
Black G10
Pond Scum G10

Please. I have one inbound with the black green scales. I have the patience of a two year old so I would love to see them.
I can't tell for sure but I think my new XM-18 3.5" has a green black scale.
The layers are a lot thinner than the blue/black I have.
What do you think, is it black or green/black?

Regardless, I love it. It's my very first spanto. As promised, here are the pixels :D





closeup, green/black?:

blue black 3.5":
I could be wrong on the color, but that's what it looks like on my monitor, so we'll wait until a few of the experts check in and see what color they say it is.

What color did you ask for ? At any rate it's still cool to get a new Hinderer !!!
I'd never refer to myself as an expert but the posted photos do seem to show green and black G10.
It was represented as black but I would have bought it if it were pink, I really wanted a new one. I got it on the secondary market though, not from the ranch. I am happy either way, just trying to learn more about the scale variations.
Much like any of the layered G10s there will be some variance in the look of the finished scales.
One reason to believe it to be only black is because there is not black n green G10 option in the Web store. But one reason to believe it to be green n black is that it may have come from a recent show.
Forum's acting up a bit this evening. Keeps trying to lock up, load slow and attempts to double post.
The Black scale/theme is nice and all business.

Tuxedos, Fast Cars, High Heels, Evening Dresses, Pearls, - Hinderer Scale - BLACK (just sayin';))

Tuxedos Power Suits, Fast Cars Bat Tumbler, High Heels Duty Boots, Evening Dresses Service Dress, Pearls Ranger Beads, - a la Hinderer Scale - Black. :)

Although, I now have a Pond Scum Scale and Armorer Tool on the way. Looking forward to the new scale.
Tuxedos Power Suits, Fast Cars Bat Tumbler, High Heels Duty Boots, Evening Dresses Service Dress, Pearls Ranger Beads, - a la Hinderer Scale - Black. :)

Although, I now have a Pond Scum Scale and Armorer Tool on the way. Looking forward to the new scale.

Yes, those as well..... List could be a long one if inclusive ;)
Subtext being, Classic/Quality