• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

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    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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Newbie advice

Jul 28, 2010
I am new to this site and new to ESEE knives. I recently learned about the ESEE knives and I've got the fever. With unlimited funds I could easily buy all the ESEE knives. Unfortunately funds are limited. I started out looking for a knife that I could carry around hunting, camping, and hiking. I was contemplating the RC3 or RC4. As I started looking, I fell in love with the RC5 as a in case TSHF knife and a survival knife. I then decided I would want an Izula to couple with the RC5. Of coarse that put me in the RC5 versus RC6 debate. I now have information overload and can't decide on the first ESEE to buy. Last year I purchased a Gerber LMF as a survivial knife, but that was before I discovered ESEE. I am thinking I want to sell that knife and replace it with the RC5, but does that meet my original needs? As you can see I am torn between buying a RC3 or RC4 (not sure which one) and the RC5 with the Izula. Is there a cure for this sickness> I welcome any advice to get me back on track with first finding a knife for camping, hunting (deer), and backpack knife for hiking.
Sure theres a cure. Get 'em all.

You are all worked up. :D

You've got to start somewhere. You'll have them all eventually.

From what you've said, I'd recommend ESEE 4 :thumbup:

By the way, what is the rat pack with # stand for?

Hello and Welcome to the addiction!

The rat pack number is a totally exclusive club with extremely stringent rules to get in, and to stay in. ;)

As you can see in this thread, there is some pretty brutal initiation...


Now to be serious... here is the thread with the RP# rules and how to get one :thumbup:


And finally, I agree with eloreno on this. The 4 would probably be better suited than a 3 since you already have the IZULA for smaller/finer cutting tasks (IMHO).
either the 3 or 4 will handle hunting, camping, etc...
I suggest you get the 4 with an izula to start, then save up for an esee5.
the 4 is small enough to carry easy but has enough blade to do just about any camping task. handle is thick enough to be comfortable (I personally find the handle on the 3 to be a bit too small due to thinness of the blade)
The izula is just gravy. drops in a pocket, handles small tasks with ease and larger ones with a little technique.
the 4 would dress out a deer no problem, the izula is a good size for rabbit and squirrel.
either one works well for food prep in camp, fire starting, etc...
the 2 of them together should run about the same as an esee 5 alone.
Having now an Izula, 3, 4 and 6 I'd say the 4 is the best balance between them all for hunting/camping/hiking
I am new to this site and new to ESEE knives. I recently learned about the ESEE knives and I've got the fever. With unlimited funds I could easily buy all the ESEE knives. Unfortunately funds are limited. I started out looking for a knife that I could carry around hunting, camping, and hiking. I was contemplating the RC3 or RC4. As I started looking, I fell in love with the RC5 as a in case TSHF knife and a survival knife. I then decided I would want an Izula to couple with the RC5. Of coarse that put me in the RC5 versus RC6 debate. I now have information overload and can't decide on the first ESEE to buy. Last year I purchased a Gerber LMF as a survivial knife, but that was before I discovered ESEE. I am thinking I want to sell that knife and replace it with the RC5, but does that meet my original needs? As you can see I am torn between buying a RC3 or RC4 (not sure which one) and the RC5 with the Izula. Is there a cure for this sickness> I welcome any advice to get me back on track with first finding a knife for camping, hunting (deer), and backpack knife for hiking.

IMHO... The ESEE-4.:thumbup:
I'd start with the HEST and then go up from there-the RC5 or 6 (get your hands on em before you buy them if you can). I went with the 5 and have never been happier.
I did what 1066vik just told you to do(IZULA/ESEE-4). I recently received them and I think they are great! I cant put them down. My wife said it was sad and she didn't want to see them anymore....The IZULA is now my EDC. Good luck on your choice. Now the next question is plain or serrated. I went with plain due to recomendations from others here.....
I would have to say the Esee-5 with Izula. The Esee-5 is my next purchase but i have the RC-3, H.E.S.T., 2 Izula's, Lite Machete. The RC-3 is very comfortable to carry IWB with the boot clip though.
I think the six is the best in the line. Btw, if you look, someone posted photos gutting out a moose with an izula. It was not a small moose. :)
I got into this game with a 4 and an Izula. I carry the Izula daily but I don't make enough opportunities for myself to use the 4 to really appreciate it. That said, what little I've done with it in the limited camping and hiking this year, it has performed flawlessly. I think the 5 would do equally as well.

Just snagged a HEST as well, you might look at that option if you don't want to carry the Izula every day.
Thanks for the info. I am leaning towards the RC4 first, Izula second and maybe the RC5 third. Who knows after that.
Having now an Izula, 3, 4 and 6 I'd say the 4 is the best balance between them all for hunting/camping/hiking

I got the 4 first because I just wanted one knife and really wasn't in to knives (still not that much from a collecting standpoint). I now have an Izula, 3, 4, 6 and a Lite Machete.

If I had it to do over again, I'd pick the 4 again, just the same. Great all around blade that is built robustly, still cuts well, isn't too heavy to belt carry and comes with an excellent kydex sheath. Pretty hard to beat IMO. You won't be sorry.
I think getting an RC-3 or RC-4 along with an Izula should cover you. Probably just getting an RC-3 or RC-4 would cover you.

I considered every combination of knives and this just seemed to work for me.