NGK-Webmaster (all good)

Feedback: +0 / =0 / -0
Dec 30, 2002
Received my LH CFS Police at the Post Office today. Pretty quick delivery as it was only send out last Monday, and with customs etc anything less than ten days are good in my book.

Just wanted everyone to know that I am very happy with the service that I got from the New Graham shop and I will be ordering from them again soon.

The knife rocks as well, but that's a given:)
I appreciate all that credit but I think you might mean New Graham Knives as opposed to just me, I just gave my opinion on it :) glad you got it and like it and the service was good. Thanks.

You are right, a little extra on the copy and paste.

New Graham Knives rocks.

I'm sure there web master does to.;)
Originally posted by Red Devil

You are right, a little extra on the copy and paste.

New Graham Knives rocks.

I'm sure there web master does to.;)

He does.:D