Nice Fighting Knife Gift

Boker/Kressler Subhilt - 440C, micarta scales, leather sheath

Prowl the exchange. For that price point get something from one of the makers here. It will be much more unique as a gift in my opinion.
You guys are slow tonight....


how could we forget the one knife that transcends all techniques and training? mega fail.

In the words of Miyamoto Musashi
"A single, determined warrior armed with only a Smatchet can hold out, and indeed achieve victory, against a large group of foes with katanas."

Colonel James Bowie threw down his Bowie knife in despair and fled when he was first confronted with a Smatchet.

The Smatchet is the only blade that is capable of shaving Chuck Norris' beard. Though he is too afraid to even enter the same room as one.
You mentioned the Al Mar Shiva in the first post. Al Mar knives are custom quality, and their designs are top notch.

If someone got me one as a gift it would be treasured forever.
I definitely concur on talking with his instructors. They will not only be able to tell you how and with what the class trains, they'll probably be able to point you in the right direction for what to get.