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    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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Norwegian vendors

Nov 21, 2002
Hi all!
Norwegian first, then translation

Ville bare gjøre oppmerksom på et par bra norske
butikker som fører ok kniver.
www.westhood.no ; bra utvalg i kniver (bl.a. Kershaw og Spyderco)
Fra bestilling til mottatt vare, ca. 4 dager!

www.topsecret.no ; bra utvalg i kniver, men mye dritt.
Har også begynt å selge airsoft!
Fra bestilling til mottatt vare, samme som westhood!

Priser på ovennevnte sider er ca det dobbelte av prisen i $,
men man slipper å trøble med posten/tollen...

Translation (can't see who would be interested though)

Just wanted to guide you to a couple norwegian sites
that stock OK knives.
www.blablabla the same as above ; good selection (Kershaw + Spydie)
Delivery time, approx. 4 days!

www.yadayadayada same as above ; good selection, but much crap.
Also started to sell airsoft! Cool...
Delivery time, same as Westhood!

The prices at above mentioned sites are about double the price in $,
but you don't have to mess around with Post service/customs...


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