Not accepting PM's is unacceptable


Oct 19, 2005
If you do not accept PM's, then I am cancelling your machete order, and selling your machete to the next guy on the list. I cannot contact 80% of the guys on the list. I don't understand not accepting PM's at all anyway.
I'm sure you know this, but if they are not paying members they can't recieve pm's.

Anyway, good luck bro, I am sure it gets frustrating not being able to get a hold of people.
Andy, are you ok my friend? You dont sound yourself these days. :confused:
Guest messages should show up in their inbox, you might try that. Am using my machete today to prune laurel and some other shrub I can't identify. Awesome tool, their loss.
Andy, I honor my words...If I posted that i'll buy 2 - 18"....TRUE DAT!
I work my A$$ off 7 days on & 3 days off.
The on time is a 24hr. on call & most times it's 16-18 hrs- working. in the elements outside...
The very limited time I'm off of rotaion it's shower, eat, sleep! I've no time to hoover over a key board, unless i'm on the off time rotation like now...
I chose this lifestlye to pay bills & give my family what's needed 100% of the time - plus afford a gifts of vacations & whims...
I'll take the time to renew my membership...
I sent a email to myself as a test to see if there are any problems contacting me...None!
After rereading my post - I am no different than any other member, nor do i propose that i am - Contact me - i'll send the monies in advance if need be...
When you go to a non paying member's profile there is an option for sending them a PM. So...I thought in the new lay-out that all members had PMs. The reality is that the option is there but disabled? Hmmm, yet another reason not to like the new lay out.
Are you saying this is because of the new layout? That's unaccePtable then.

Jim, I am spending two weeks clearing off the 40 machetes left on the list. This post was in no way directed at you.

As to what's up with me lately, my business is at a growth time, and it's time to figure out all new procedures and processes, move out of the house, and hire folks. Every step is a bottleneck now. Its q good problem to have, but it's scary. I apologize for any sharpness.
Actually, it is NOT because of the new layout. This problem popped up at least a year ago, with one of the earlier "upgrades". Previously, a moderator could tell if someone was a paid member even if they hadn't upgraded their user group. All we had to do was look at their profile, and if it showed PM, we knew they were paid. Then the software started showing everyone with PM, even if they didn't actually have access to them.

The best bet is to go to email, and insist that everyone who deals with you activate their email. Everyone has email, and unlike Visitor Messages, it is private.

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Are you saying this is because of the new layout? That's unaccePtable then.

Jim, I am spending two weeks clearing off the 40 machetes left on the list. This post was in no way directed at you.

As to what's up with me lately, my business is at a growth time, and it's time to figure out all new procedures and processes, move out of the house, and hire folks. Every step is a bottleneck now. Its q good problem to have, but it's scary. I apologize for any sharpness.

Just means you're human. Not that this comes as a surprise.

Folks are just so used to you being unusually kind and understanding ... that's all.

Good luck with these momentary problems. Soon, they will all be gone and your life can return to a new normal.
... momentary problems. Soon, they will all be gone and your life can return to a new normal.

Ha, never normal! Onward and upward always! Success is a harsh taskmaster. :D

On a lighter note, Ken C. and I went to lunch together today and I wore my Fiddleback Forge t-shirt. So, who knows? You may get some completely unexpected inquiries from New Jersey, too. :eek:
Andy, I wasn't sure if this was directed at me or not.and I apologize if I indeed took this personal... The fear of being scratched off list for one your blades & the lack of caffeine in my system is no excuse - but, is my humble explanation.
I too, am glad to hear of your company's growth & success!!!
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Actually, it is NOT because of the new layout. This problem popped up at least a year ago, with one of the earlier "upgrades". Previously, a moderator could tell if someone was a paid member even if they hadn't upgraded their user group. All we had to do was look at their profile, and if it showed PM, we knew they were paid. Then the software started showing everyone with PM, even if they didn't actually have access to them.

The best bet is to go to email, and insist that everyone who deals with you activate their email. Everyone has email, and unlike Visitor Messages, it is private.

Settings > My Account > General Settings

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On another note, prior to the upgrade moderators (you) could send PMs to registered users which others couldn't. So if you had the ability before, that's why it's gone now. As others have stated, it's not because PMs are turned off, it's because they can't accept them and the software can't differentiate.
If fiddleback forge is hiring I only live about an hour and a half away . . . :D definitely worth the drive
Actually, it is NOT because of the new layout. This problem popped up at least a year ago, with one of the earlier "upgrades". Previously, a moderator could tell if someone was a paid member even if they hadn't upgraded their user group. All we had to do was look at their profile, and if it showed PM, we knew they were paid. Then the software started showing everyone with PM, even if they didn't actually have access to them.

The best bet is to go to email, and insist that everyone who deals with you activate their email. Everyone has email, and unlike Visitor Messages, it is private.

Settings > My Account > General Settings

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EB you scare me dude you are everywhere. LOL