O.T. Wound management...

Sep 7, 2001
I was "bitten" by a tomahawk. :( How does one treat wounds as to leave minimal scarring and promote faster healing?

Is some stuff better than others or are they all more or less the same?

The cut I got a while back with the WWII I used some Teramycin and then used butterfly bandages to close up the wound. A piece of gauze to cover the hole thing. Then taped it all up and left it alone for about three days before changing the bandage to let the cut start to heal. Then do it all again. Leave it for another two days. After that much time you should be able to use large band-aides. If your cut is real bad go get a couple of stitches.

How long has it been since the cut? I was lucky that someone was here to help me with the bandaging. I don't know whether I could have done quite as good a job working it with one hand. The butterflies don't do a bad job if you can get the wound closed up pretty quick. Good luck Bruise. Hope you heal up quick. :eek: :)
Someone remember a thread on using superglue to close cuts? Anyone?
on where, how deep, wide, etc.

But...if you can close the edges, either with butterfly bandage, tape, stiches or even superglue..then let it heal with some antiseptic, you are reducing the amount of new tissue which has to form.

For scars, I have heard everything from rubbing vitamin e oil (break open the capsules, to..just rubbing the site after it heals for a long time ( as in days, weeks, not just hours.) After the accident and the surgeries, this seemed to work for me. Thin lines rather than raised scars. My leg scars are like rippled paper and don't show up much...but I'm very light-skinned and the scars are slightly lighter.

It also worked on the bird dog who split his chest muscles open and had to have them cure from the inside out. The end result was a lump of scar tissue about 1 1/2 inches long. I keep on massaging it, and it is smooth, or nearly so, now.

Heal fast, suffer little.
Bruise Id try and catch that critter and check it for rabies. Sometimes animal bites can give it to people:D ON a serious note Ive been follwing what my tattoo artist said to do for tattoos when it comes to cuts. I figure theyre both cuts, though one has pigment, but scarring is a problem with both. Anyways, after washing with warm water and soap in the winter time he said to use a triple anti-biotic, though in summer he said just to keep fresh tattoos clean until scabbed over and then to use lotion. I had one get infect in Summer using triple anti-biotic, though in winter it really seemed to help.
LOL: let the dog lick it....geeze; is that before or after the can of Alpo or the dead cat he was twirling in his jaws?

Bruise, if the cut is deep glue will not work right. I think the limit for stitches is 6 or 7 hours after the injury took place.

What's a scar anyway? Who cares? You're not in movies are you?

There is some medical type superglue available now but I can't remember what they call it -- sort of a paint on bandaid.
Also there's some kind of scar treatment ointment that is supposed to minimize scarring. But, I think Sarge has a good idea, however, maggots work better.
Most people probably already know this by now, but if anyone didn't: You DONT want to use alcohol as a disinfectant on the wound if you can avoid it. Besides the fact that it stings like hell, is also needlessly kills tissue and will make probably make scarring worse.

Peroxide is much, much better for flushing out a wound.
With the paint on band aid how do you put on you dab of antiseptic goo? Something to look for though.

I didn't know that alcohol actually killed tissue. :eek: I don't use it for cuts becuase of the owie owie factor.

As for being a hand model, I could be in all the ring, glove and watch catalogs. :D

How do you decide when to get something stiched? I always figured to get something stiched if it was either really large or if the wound area was likely to split apart due to movement
I'm not qualified. Go to pharmacy and ask. They'll know what you need and must do. But hurry. It's scarring right now.
Gee, Bruise, what kind of job can you get as a hand model...? aardvark

A hand job, of course.

Oh that's just bad Munk:rolleyes: Sounds like the poor hick that wanted to start a brothel, and figured until he could afford to hire some girls, he'd just have to run things by hand:o :rolleyes:

Now see what you done made me do;)

I sorry !
.. ...

I have an Uncle who is an artist. He was going to be in an comercial, his hand was, anyway, drawing some figerine. This was back in the 60's or 50's, and he didn't understand television and so practised drawing faster and faster. He knew he'd only have 15 seconds. He finally got it down and felt prepared. He was quite chagrined to find out they would just speed the tape up. Now that's a real handjob.

Originally posted by Aardvark
You guys took about 3 hours longer than I had anticipated. Must be the war.

"Hand job."

That's the first thing I thought of when I saw the post and I really wanted to say it.

But, I was being nice.

For once.:D