Old Buck 110 (1974-80), leave it as is or restore it?

I wouldn't even have the scratches taken out of the blade, Jon. Your Grandad put those scratches in there didn't he? I'd just wipe down the knife and use it, if it were me.
Put a good edge on it, leave the rest alone. Carry. Use. That way it's still your grandfather's knife, plus your experiences as recorded in the use marks you give it.
I wouldn't even have the scratches taken out of the blade, Jon. Your Grandad put those scratches in there didn't he? I'd just wipe down the knife and use it, if it were me.

Put a good edge on it, leave the rest alone. Carry. Use. That way it's still your grandfather's knife, plus your experiences as recorded in the use marks you give it.

That's what I'd do too.
Definitely, leave it as is! Don't erase all of your grandfather's handling marks and the knife's history. It looks great!
Why not just use it, the blade is a little short, it looks like a 77 or 78 small font, 2 dots 3 rivets, I don't think a spa will help it much as far as value. George God bless
Leave it like it is...

Has character.

You send it through the SPA and it will look like any other two dot..
I don't know. I think I am going to go against the flow, here. I would send it to Buck for a spa treatment and a resharpening. I would not let them change the blade. It is already your grandpa's knife. Let them clean it up and you put your own history on the knife.

Also, you could have it engraved with his initials on one bolster and your on the other.
I don't know. I think I am going to go against the flow, here. I would send it to Buck for a spa treatment and a resharpening. I would not let them change the blade. It is already your grandpa's knife. Let them clean it up and you put your own history on the knife.

Also, you could have it engraved with his initials on one bolster and your on the other.

Nicely said
Those grinding / stone marks can store grime...ect so i'd send it to buck to get just the blade cleaned up and leave the brass as is since it was patina'd by your grandpa's hands.
For example my 110 has my thumbprint patina'd into the front bolster and I hope whoever eventually inherits it from me leaves it there , while the scratches in the blade are not necessarily a personal connection to me.
I'd sharpen it up and throw it in my pocket and use it. I'd keep it my grandfather's knife, and add my own usage marks to the mix.

If it were my knife, I wouldn't want to erase the marks my grandpa put there, I'd want to add to em! I bet your grandpa would agree. :)

IMO, that's the best a knife guy can hope for. I hope my son uses my knives and adds his own use marks and patina to the mix.

Bottom line is, it's your knife now, so only YOU know the right answer for YOU.