One Hand Opening/Clipped 110's?

pjsjr said:
Trax, is this what your talking about the 186?

That's one like it. I think it may have been on eBay, because it showed the parts, box, instruction sheet, etc. Also it was not polished.

I'll see how good I am at searching eBay... ;)

Well, here's one up for bid right now... :D

Interesting, mystifying and perplexing...the last 186 sold for $160. While two black 560ti sold for over $200., one for $270.:eek:. Plain 560ti for $60. on up. Black has it;) . Preston
pjsjr said:
Interesting, mystifying and perplexing...the last 186 sold for $160. While two black 560ti sold for over $200., one for $270.:eek:. Plain 560ti for $60. on up. Black has it;) . Preston

I like that 186 linked to up there...clip, keychain ring, dis-assemble-able...(take that, Mrs Wustrack!) :D

I'd bid on it, if it had a drop-point blade... :p