One knife?

Feb 1, 2009
If you could buy and ultimately own only ONE knife, what would it be?

The_Guide :cool:

EDIT for a second question: Assume you didnt have any knives, and some generous soul offered to buy you ANY knife you wanted, what would you get?
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Most of your replies will state that they will have two knives on them. Interesting question, I would like to hear why they chose that knife.
Becker BK-2 Campanion. It's thick and tough enough to handle anything. It's my "Goldilocks" knife: not to big, not too small, but just right.
it would have to be a stilletto so i could kill myself to end the knifelessness.
Jk.. Maybe an Izula, not sure.
That was a situation I was in most of my younger years. I really could only afford one good knife. I used to carry a swiss army tinker. Then when I worked at a lumber yard I had a Schrade uncle henry bear paw lockblade. It is the size of a buck 110. I progressed to a Spyderco Calypso Jr. for many years. I never lacked for anything more back then. A good quality 3" lockblade satisfies about 99% of what I need in a knife.
Spyderco Military. No contest. The most versatile folder ever made, other than maybe a Swiss Army Knife or Multitool. But I'm assuming that were not talking multitools and stuff.

I have a grail that because of price will always be a grail unless I win the lotto.

Shiva Ki Fighting Bowie

It is everything a Bowie should be. It is death art. The only way I could ever afford this knife IS if someone else bought it lol.
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My CRKT Serengeti...I like cheating! With is two small on board fixed blades and a large locking frame lock main blade it can handle just about any chore from tough to delicate. The use of the additional lock on the frame lock insures it will never close by accident, this is a very robust knife.


Spyderco Military. No contest. The most versatile folder ever made, other than maybe a Swiss Army Knife or Multitool. But I'm assuming that were not talking multitools and stuff.


Have to go with Buzz here. Spyderco Military. :thumbup:

Nothing beats it out of my pocket except when I'm trying out a new knife. It's the knife I judge others by. :)
Convexed Crotts Model 8
It has the most useful blade shape and geometry that I have found.
Well hell if I can only have one knife I might as well make it count. Bob Loveless Drop Point Hunter with Stag handles.
I would have to go with the Wasp knife or the other knives have as much entertainment value!
For me it would be my Fehrman Hoodhunter. It chops like a beast, and is great for finer work due to it being so lightweight.
One knife for me would be a Cold Steel Stockman with Carbon V blades.
Busse Mud Razor. It can chop, slice, stab, fit in a backpack, under my car seat, on my leg, or under my wife's pillow when she's alone for the night. And it can cut anything.

Okay, ALMOST anything. I stabbed a concrete block and a thick glass lampshade with it (accidents, I swear) and jacked up the tip by bending it (NO chips or cracks!). Pretty impressive, given my track record for breaking stuff.