I agree with Ilovetoolsteel's views.
I got one last year, thought it was very ugly, but pretty tough...
The lock is pretty good, but I have now given up on all liner locks, since I had a Boker that failed on me and cut the back of my fingers a few months ago ...not nice. I just do not trust any linerlocks anymore.
I gave the Prowler to my brother, who re-ground the edge and is using it in his toolbox to cut cables, plastic etc. he says it is ok and likes the big strong handle cos it fits his hands well.
If you like cheap knives ( I do) think very carefully about how much you are going to abuse them... this is important, since some cheap knives can be easily kept sharp, others cannot, if the basic material is no good.
The Prowler blade is AUS6 so it can be kept pretty sharp.
I alwasy say that of you have a cheap knife that can be easily sharpened, then it must be useful.
I have an old lipjoint with a big 4" blade that I bought in a hardware store for about 10$ - I have no idea where it was made or what steel it is, but it is so easy to sharpen, I use it all the time in the garden, for pruning, cutting vegetables, cutting twine etc. It seems very soft steel and the edge rolls easily if you try and chop with it, but it can always be sharpened back again.