Opinions about the Marzitelli Prowler?

I'm just curious about the quality of the knife and what it's like, especially because it's so cheap.
cosine said:
I'm just curious about the quality of the knife and what it's like, especially because it's so cheap.

Fear not, It's cheap because it's ugly. I picked one up last year for around $15 and couldn't be happier. It has a thicker blade than most folders of that size and it has nice beefey liners. It is heavy duty. It has an aus8 blade so don't expect it to hold an edge forever. Mine does hold an edge far better than Buck's 420hc steel. The edge is sharpened at a fairly steep angle. You might want to re-sharpen it a a lower angle to suit your needs, Give it a try first.

My only complaint is the milled section on the top of the blade that serves as a thumb stud. The front edge on it is rough and will dammage your pants pocket. I rounded off the corners with a dremel tool and eliminated the problem. I'm also not particularly fond of bead blasted finish on blades.

All in all it's built like a tank and is a definite good deal! I described it as ugly, That is how most describe it. I like it's utilitarian "toolness" look about it.

I think of the CRKT Prowler like Prince Charles new wife Camillia, She isn't unattractive, but could be best described as a "Handsome" woman.
I always liked that knife, but I'm a big fan of a lot of Marzitelli's knives. I bought one when they first came out. Like Ilovetoolsteel said, it's beefy, and pretty well made. Cheap steel, cheap materials, cheap knife....but a great beater. And although not to everyone's taste, I like the way looks, too.
I agree with Ilovetoolsteel's views.

I got one last year, thought it was very ugly, but pretty tough...

The lock is pretty good, but I have now given up on all liner locks, since I had a Boker that failed on me and cut the back of my fingers a few months ago ...not nice. I just do not trust any linerlocks anymore.

I gave the Prowler to my brother, who re-ground the edge and is using it in his toolbox to cut cables, plastic etc. he says it is ok and likes the big strong handle cos it fits his hands well.

If you like cheap knives ( I do) think very carefully about how much you are going to abuse them... this is important, since some cheap knives can be easily kept sharp, others cannot, if the basic material is no good.
The Prowler blade is AUS6 so it can be kept pretty sharp.

I alwasy say that of you have a cheap knife that can be easily sharpened, then it must be useful.

I have an old lipjoint with a big 4" blade that I bought in a hardware store for about 10$ - I have no idea where it was made or what steel it is, but it is so easy to sharpen, I use it all the time in the garden, for pruning, cutting vegetables, cutting twine etc. It seems very soft steel and the edge rolls easily if you try and chop with it, but it can always be sharpened back again.
Do they dull instantly?
Are they easy to resharpen?
Anyone have any experience using there's? :)
To me, it looks like an Emerson knock-off.
I wouldn't buy it.
Personally, I tend to steer clear of cheesy $15 zytel knives, in favor of well-built tools that might cost more. For example, the only knife with such a handle that I will ever purchase is a Spyderco. I know they're strong, and that they are made using decent steel. In that case, the fact that the handle is made of FRN contributes to the knife's lightness and ease of carry. In other words, it's a lightweight version of a high-quality knife, not a flimsy piece of crkt.

I tell you what, I've got one that's been sitting on my desk at home for a while now because no one would buy it from me. It was a poor impulse buy for me and I think I paid retail for it for some reason. I'm thinking it's mint but I may have sharpened it, I don't recall. I might even still be able to find the box it came in. Anywho, you can have it for $5 shipping as long as you're in the CONUS. Then you can give us a review on it.:)

Why don't I want it? Life is too short to go through with such an ugly knife.:D

let me know,

Greg McKean
If cosine doesn't reply that he wants it in a day or two you can have it for shipping also. Like I said, currently it makes an extremely ugly paper weight.:D


Thanks for your offer, but jack is more than welcome to your Prowler. I was just curious about that knife.

I'm saving my pennies right now for a Spyderco.
cosine said:

Thanks for your offer, but jack is more than welcome to your Prowler. I was just curious about that knife.

I'm saving my pennies right now for a Spyderco.

Then you're getting a much prettier knife.:thumbup:

I'm sending you my info Jack. It's all yours.

Emerson knock off , my foot.......

I received one of these as an early Christmas present and absolutly love it.
The lock-up is solid , the frame is damn solid as well.
The blade sharpens fine with a few strokes from my crock stick , no problems there.
Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder because I think the knife looks great , it has a sort of agressive tool quality about it , big enough for most jobs and sturdy enough to complete the task.
Best of all the price cannot be beat.
Excellent quality for your money. :thumbup:

Puukkoman , if you havent handled the knife then pray tell , how do you know its flimsy ??
Think before ye speak... :rolleyes:
I've wanted one of these since they first came out. I just never thought they were worth $36. I might take the plunge now that they're $15. The prowler is also NOT a knock-off of Emerson. The handle looks a LITTLE like the HMMVK knife that Ernie did as his knife of the year (2004?)- HOWEVER the Prowler came out about 2 years (?) before the HMMVK came to be. Its not flimsy, its just big. It also has LAWKS, so it's not going to close on you if you turn that on. Just wish I had seen this thread earlier!
