Opinions on Pocket Slips

I use a slip, because i learnt my lesson, i was not worried about scratching the knife or lint or anything like that. This is what happened, always carried my knife in the left hand back pocket of my jeans, well over time a hole appeared in my back pocket, my dear old mother pointed out this fact, she thought it looked untidy. Being the young know all that i was, said " Don't Worry About It Mum, It's The New Fashion ". I should have listened, went to grab my knife one day, and all i had was a hole, no knife, just a hole. o_O :eek: Mum knew. ❤️😁
My knives ride in right front pocket with my keys. I love the used look they get from the little scratches and dings over time, along with the normal knifey use they get to do. I’ve not noticed any adverse effect with any materials.

I have tried a pocket slip a few times. It’s an added step, and I learned pretty quickly they’re not idiot proof when I pulled the slip out of my pocket and my knife fell out and hit the pavement. I guess they’re called slips for a reason…
I use a pocket slip for most of my traditional knives. It helps to limit the lint that gets in the joints, and prevents the knife from getting dinged up rubbing against other items in my pocket.
As many of you here at BF know, I become absolutely mortified whenever one of my knives gets the tiniest scratch or ding so, instead of using a pocket slip I strive to store my knives in a safe manner - on the tin roof on my wood shed, in the root bed of a tomato plant, on the banister rail of the back porch, etc. and carry them in a soft, cotton, pocket, with scratch-resistant, soft, copper, pennies.
Ivory, bone, wood, synthetic, antler...all are rather durable materials. Pocket slips are great if you want your never used knife to look pristine for photos. They add bulk and are useless to me because they add another step to using the knife for its intended purpose, to cut things. Bolster swirls and scratches can be buffed out if so desired, but what's the point if your going to keep using a knife? I carry all of my knives solo in pocket, since about age 12 my right front pocket has been solely dedicated to a folding knife of one sort or another, never ever have I used a pocket purse.
I like using slips all the time, have a old boot cobbler repair shop in town, showed him what I was looking for.
He was able to make shark skin, snake skin, leather real and fake leather for little to nothing.
The shark skin are thin, light and tough, beautiful really add to my knife, wheather I carry a Hinderer, Chris Reives, or Custom there in a slip.
I like using slips all the time, have a old boot cobbler repair shop in town, showed him what I was looking for.
He was able to make shark skin, snake skin, leather real and fake leather for little to nothing.
The shark skin are thin, light and tough, beautiful really add to my knife, wheather I carry a Hinderer, Chris Reives, or Custom there in a slip.
You are blessed to have such an old time craftsman in your midst. :thumbsup: :thumbsup::thumbsup:
I like a nice leather slip for my traditional knives, just as I like a Rick Bachman holster for my hand guns. For me I appreciate the feel and look that they add to carrying them. But hey, to each his own. 😃
I don't use slips, but I could see why people would use them.
They add to the whole experience and it's another thing to add to your knife collection.
They do a good job at keeping the knife protected and remaining vertical in the pocket... they look cool too.
I adopted the safety pin trick a few years back and it's still my preferred method of knife carry... but I do enjoy making slips.
I don't use slips, but I could see why people would use them.
They add to the whole experience and it's another thing to add to your knife collection.
They do a good job at keeping the knife protected and remaining vertical in the pocket... they look cool too.
I adopted the safety pin trick a few years back and it's still my preferred method of knife carry... but I do enjoy making slips.
What is the safety pin trick ???
I like a nice leather slip for my traditional knives, just as I like a Rick Bachman holster for my hand guns. For me I appreciate the feel and look that they add to carrying them. But hey, to each his own. 😃
It's not safe to carry a handgun without using a holster. That is not the case with spring knives.
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The REAL reason I think people use pocket slips is because it adds another fun and interesting dimension to the knife collecting hobby. If they interest you, ignore any practical considerations (excuses), and get one or several.
Couldn’t agree more. To me, fun is what it’s all about. I love using my slips and finding cool beads to add to them. They aren’t necessarily, but then again, neither are most of the knives we put in them. They’re just fun, plan an simple. 😊👍

edited to add: To me watching them age and break in is as much fun as watching a blade patina. 😉👍
There are some members here who make really beautiful ones with very high quality craftsmanship.
Truth! 😎👍
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I’m biased of course but I like slip sheaths for protection and to keep the dust bunnies out

Untitled by GaryWGraley, on Flickr

And it would be a good thread to have a poll not sure if you can edit and set one up?

edited to say that I have a waiver, signed by the late Mr Tony Bose, our signatures are blocked out for security reasons...;)

Girly_knife_purse_waiver by GaryWGraley, on Flickr
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I tried to like a dedicated pocket slip, but it just doesn't work for me.
You gotta take the thing out of your pocket, put the slip somewhere, then put the knife back in before you put it away.
I'd look into carrying my keys somewhere else before putting a slip on my knife.

Now what does work for me is a pocket organizer, but only if I can take my knife out and put it back in without removing the organizer from my pocket.
To me a pocket slip just delays the inevitable superficial scratches and small dings to the bolsters that says “this knife gets used to cut things.” I never want to be in a position with a knife I’m carrying that it’s “too pretty” to do whatever cutting needs to be done. Therefore I never use a pocket slip. If the knife is too nice to carry then it lives in my drawer until I feel differently. But if I’m carrying it, then into the pocket it goes. And my keys or pen or lighter or phone or other items might go in there with it.
My folding knives, usually three of them, ride in my right front pocket with a small pair of channellocks, and a quarter or two for the cart at Aldi’s. I only use a slip if I want to carry a small fixed blade that doesn’t have a close-fitting sheath.