OT: Martial Arts, what do YOU practice?

Nov 15, 2000
I just recently got back into martial arts: I currently study at a mixed martial arts school that concentrates on several areas:boxing, ground grappling and kicking/striking which are integrated into one fighting style.

I also am planning on starting up Aikido again, mostly for the philosophy, personal development and interest in Japanese Arts.

So, what do you all study and why?

I practise Chinese Gung-Fu. Wing Chun is my main style but I have studied a bit of Northern Long Fist as well as Hung-Gar. I also do Chi-Gung which is a breathing routine. I did practise western boxing for 3 years while I was at school and that too is considered by many to be a martial art.

Very effective and beneficial to ones health.

Sprinting and middle distance running


All joking aside, that's probably the best one to "study"!!!

Me ,I'm just a beginner

Mmmhmm, that's exactly what my sensei and his sensei used to say;)

Thanks for replys guys:) I'm interested in ALL martial arts--if only I could live for 200 years and not have to work I'd study them all too!:D

Let's keep this one going!

I in my younger days used to practice an obscure and little known Redneck martial art known not as Karate, but Ka-stick.

This art was developed to a high degree by Sheriff Buford T. Pusser, also known as "Walking Tall."
Over the last twenty years:
Tae Kwan Do, Kempo karate, Arnis (a little), Hsing-i, Pa Kua, Tai Chi, and various Shaolin animal forms, Go Ju Ryu karate, various chinese weapon forms, including staff, sword, fan and dagger, saber, Western fencing, archery, and played around with other odds and ends (rifle, shotgun, pistol, bullwhip, etc. etc.) Never did become an expert at anything. Never stuck with one thing more than four or five years, and not currently studying anything in particular. Started with MA to learn how to fight, and kept at it because I thought it was fun.
I started in Tae Kwon Do when I was 5 in 1983, finally earned my 1st dan black belt in 1995. I like TKD as I'm a kicker and fast with my feet and decent with the hands. I don't compeet now but durring the mid to late 90's I compeeted on the national level in NASKA turnaments and was rated #1 in state for sparring and #5 in forms for my weight and rank. I was on a team once and we trained hard to qualify for the Olympic tryouts back in 2000 but that fell apart with the team.
I fought many people who trained in many different martial arts some were trained well and some no so well and I always get asked what is the "best martial art", I tell people that it is not the art but the person using it that makes it effective. Most if not all arts are very capable of dealing with any type of attack weather it be an up right attack, on the ground or joint manipulation. As long as the student is well trained and quick to think they will be a great fighter and be sucessfull in any art they study.
One of these days I'll sart to train hard again and hopefully compeet again but for now I'm just weight training and playing martial art video games on Play Station/Nintendo!:D
I started "weight training"...without an instructor. I must be a natural, I've gained 15 pounds!
Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo, Tai Chi, Combo Shaolin/Western long and short stick and cane forms, but my favorite is LouieVille Slugger Ryu Fu. ;) Very effective against most assaults.
WOW:eek: This thread is turning out better than I expected:)

I think Snuffy wins for most styles studied so far!

Hey Chris, how did starting MA so young affect you? For better or worse? I'd guess better from knowing you on this forum:)
Originally posted by MauiRob
So, what do you all study and why?


I practice the "Innocent looking old fat man with a cane" and the "Armchair and khukuri" styles.;)
I am assistant instructor @ Genbukan Zensho Dojo. I am testing for my 1st Dan in Japan this summer. I am also a NRA firearms instructor. I started out with Kenjustsu/Tantojutsu and kickbowing in college. I specialize in Tantojtsu (Japanese knife fighting). My Sensai is also my best freind an he was a hand to hand/ knife fighting instructor when he was in the marines. We train together intergrating the two about 4 times a week outside of the dojo(which gets on my wife's nerves). I am really looking forward to getting my first kukri to work these into my training. It is really wonderful to see so many on this forum who has a love of the arts.
I found that sheer physical size made up for lack of skill. However, I had neither. :( Short legs don't allow for fast running either.
My wife being Japanese American and 4ft 9" swears she can out fight and out run me anyone bigger than her :) I guess since she is low to the ground she can scurring around an opponent quicker :) truth be told she CAN kick my butt.............in Tekken :)
The old west style.

Get 'em tanked up, tell him you're leaving to get your gun and then go get a shotgun and hunker down in the back alley, behind good cover. When he eventually slips out the back door, shoot him in the back. With both barrels. Reload, shoot both barrels just to make sure.

Actually, 25 years ago I was shooting at Distinguished Masters lever on the PPC.