Don't read this if personal matters are seen as too awkard or uncessary in HI. I am taking a chance writing it, but what the hell.
Two days ago I had the hell beat out of me. It has been many years, 2o maybe, since I was in a fight. Some of you know the trouble I've had with a neighbor who wanted to block the road to my house because he owned about 20 yards of it, and I about 70, both to our front. I couldn't explain all the wherefores behind this. He thinks the mining talings used as fill are toxic- at least, that is what our water bond the little town was able to get financed stipulated. He'd like to ruin the project and get some heads rolled. I came into this because I'd wanted our road kept travelable. He doesn't actually believe there is any health hazard, he just want to make trouble .
He hates the water board and would deny them anything he could. This is the guy who'd blocked the road with his pickup. My 40 years old pregnant wife was forced to walk a hundred yards down an icy hill at 20 below in the dead of winter to get to her car. I told him what I thought about that, and viewing my trembling rage he backed down at that time. Even a grizzly won't fit badger guarding their young.
This man is considered one of the most hateful human beings in the county. Most people know him, though he has no freinds. He's poached deer and left the carcasses to rot. I could go on.
I was giving a Khukuri to the owner of the bar cafe. I had to enter through the cafe because the bar door was closed. I don't avoid this man, but something warned me and I should have listened. He is very close to signing the Easement between our properties- the one he said he would never sign.
When I saw him I had the sudden impulse to speak and try to mend fences. He screamed at me and shouldered past.
"Please, don't do this, lets talk," and I laid a hand on his shoulder.
I'd been about to tell him I didn't care about mining tailings and would haul normal rock from the prairre as a gesture to him.
Anyway, you know what happend. He flattend me so fast I had no time to defend. My glasses were not only torn off my face but metal is actually torn away instead of breaking at the joint. I guess i should mention this guy weighs 400 pounds. I was on the ground and he had a spoon in his hand which he raised to the sky and imbeded into my scalp. He did this several times, and though I said, "enough!" he continued several more.
There's a bunch of stiches in my head, spoon marks, if you can believe that- assualt with a spoon. My face is fractured. Apparently the bones haven't drifted far apart so that won't need any further attention. This is good, becuase I can't imagine how they fix that- put your head in a vice and squeeze? My right eye apppears intact and I will gain my vision back as soon as the pressure goes down.
I'm lucky I'm still alive. I feel pretty bad about it- yes, you don't get somone on the ground and maim him, but If i'd been thinking clearly, I would have stopped speaking to him.
when things like this happen, many people think it is your fault. It has been a long time since I had to worry about what people think. You can't hide, or course, and I'll be walking around this guy through stores and various places again. No problem.
It's funny, but I feel a litle shame. I never landed a blow or ever tried, but here I am feeling low and stupid.
My life is rarely clean, and I made a slight mistake that muddied the water and will allow this buffoon to justify his actions. Too damn bad, but I'm a human and make mistakes. You'd have gotten a kick how fast the customers left and while I laid on the floor in a pool of blood the waitress came out and started mopping around me.
I thought about many of you here, able to defend yourselves well if you had to. I wish I could have too.
In a way I would consider explaining to some of you privately, this has turned me to the Lord. I need the Lord. I need a spiritual life again. Neighbors came over to help. I didn't want to go but they made a good point about the eye and a possible detached retina. They took care of my children, and one drove me over 20o miles one way to the hospital.
That's really about it. My face is cremated, and my soul in pain a little. You think you'd have gotten over this when you were 17 but here some of it is back again. Humbled down to the ground once more.
Two days ago I had the hell beat out of me. It has been many years, 2o maybe, since I was in a fight. Some of you know the trouble I've had with a neighbor who wanted to block the road to my house because he owned about 20 yards of it, and I about 70, both to our front. I couldn't explain all the wherefores behind this. He thinks the mining talings used as fill are toxic- at least, that is what our water bond the little town was able to get financed stipulated. He'd like to ruin the project and get some heads rolled. I came into this because I'd wanted our road kept travelable. He doesn't actually believe there is any health hazard, he just want to make trouble .
He hates the water board and would deny them anything he could. This is the guy who'd blocked the road with his pickup. My 40 years old pregnant wife was forced to walk a hundred yards down an icy hill at 20 below in the dead of winter to get to her car. I told him what I thought about that, and viewing my trembling rage he backed down at that time. Even a grizzly won't fit badger guarding their young.
This man is considered one of the most hateful human beings in the county. Most people know him, though he has no freinds. He's poached deer and left the carcasses to rot. I could go on.
I was giving a Khukuri to the owner of the bar cafe. I had to enter through the cafe because the bar door was closed. I don't avoid this man, but something warned me and I should have listened. He is very close to signing the Easement between our properties- the one he said he would never sign.
When I saw him I had the sudden impulse to speak and try to mend fences. He screamed at me and shouldered past.
"Please, don't do this, lets talk," and I laid a hand on his shoulder.
I'd been about to tell him I didn't care about mining tailings and would haul normal rock from the prairre as a gesture to him.
Anyway, you know what happend. He flattend me so fast I had no time to defend. My glasses were not only torn off my face but metal is actually torn away instead of breaking at the joint. I guess i should mention this guy weighs 400 pounds. I was on the ground and he had a spoon in his hand which he raised to the sky and imbeded into my scalp. He did this several times, and though I said, "enough!" he continued several more.
There's a bunch of stiches in my head, spoon marks, if you can believe that- assualt with a spoon. My face is fractured. Apparently the bones haven't drifted far apart so that won't need any further attention. This is good, becuase I can't imagine how they fix that- put your head in a vice and squeeze? My right eye apppears intact and I will gain my vision back as soon as the pressure goes down.
I'm lucky I'm still alive. I feel pretty bad about it- yes, you don't get somone on the ground and maim him, but If i'd been thinking clearly, I would have stopped speaking to him.
when things like this happen, many people think it is your fault. It has been a long time since I had to worry about what people think. You can't hide, or course, and I'll be walking around this guy through stores and various places again. No problem.
It's funny, but I feel a litle shame. I never landed a blow or ever tried, but here I am feeling low and stupid.
My life is rarely clean, and I made a slight mistake that muddied the water and will allow this buffoon to justify his actions. Too damn bad, but I'm a human and make mistakes. You'd have gotten a kick how fast the customers left and while I laid on the floor in a pool of blood the waitress came out and started mopping around me.
I thought about many of you here, able to defend yourselves well if you had to. I wish I could have too.
In a way I would consider explaining to some of you privately, this has turned me to the Lord. I need the Lord. I need a spiritual life again. Neighbors came over to help. I didn't want to go but they made a good point about the eye and a possible detached retina. They took care of my children, and one drove me over 20o miles one way to the hospital.
That's really about it. My face is cremated, and my soul in pain a little. You think you'd have gotten over this when you were 17 but here some of it is back again. Humbled down to the ground once more.