I'm afraid to have to tell you there's no hope. Once you've fallen into this supreme of addictions, there's no way out. Sure you may go months, even years without buying another, but then suddenly, you're ordering just one more. Then another, and another! I blame society. Yes, it has to be society, for it is society that spurns on these new and improved knives year after year. Well, all we can do is accept our plight, and invent excuses and reasons for the latest knife. One of my favorite excuses is "Well, it's better than spending the money on drugs, or jewelry." Some folks spend their money on clothes. I prefer knives. Is that all that bad? I mean, I have clothes. How many pairs of pants and shirts does a person need? Tell me, am I nuts? Of course not! Enough ranting - I've got to look at my knife catalogs again (you never know what I might have missed the first 10 times). I mean, just because I read all the knife magazines over and over, and buy knife books, and knives, and read and post on the different knife forums, and go to knife shows, and will someday make knives - doesn't everybody do the same?