Over My Knife Addiction .... I think!

I'm afraid to have to tell you there's no hope. Once you've fallen into this supreme of addictions, there's no way out. Sure you may go months, even years without buying another, but then suddenly, you're ordering just one more. Then another, and another! I blame society. Yes, it has to be society, for it is society that spurns on these new and improved knives year after year. Well, all we can do is accept our plight, and invent excuses and reasons for the latest knife. One of my favorite excuses is "Well, it's better than spending the money on drugs, or jewelry." Some folks spend their money on clothes. I prefer knives. Is that all that bad? I mean, I have clothes. How many pairs of pants and shirts does a person need? Tell me, am I nuts? Of course not! Enough ranting - I've got to look at my knife catalogs again (you never know what I might have missed the first 10 times). I mean, just because I read all the knife magazines over and over, and buy knife books, and knives, and read and post on the different knife forums, and go to knife shows, and will someday make knives - doesn't everybody do the same?
Tell my story I did this past week.I've been wanting to fill out my trio of CR Sebenzas, and was not sure just how to do it, and still keep the wife happy.So what I did was sold 8 of my factory knives to come up with the money to cover the expense.
Well that part worked, as I sold all the knives, with the help of the wife selling 3 of them to officers at work(she is an officer for Reno, Nevada. P.D.).
This way I got 2 new knives, and looks good to wife, as I now actually have 6 less knives.
Now up to this point, all fine and good, BUT, while I was at the gun & knife show to purchase the 2 Sebenzas, I ran into this dealer who was going to change his vocation, and had some REALLY GOOD deals on some custom knives.I did not quite make it out the door.I kept telling myself, "I did what I came to do in buying the Sebenzas, BUT that is a heck of a good price on that Dick Atkinson Tactical Custom Folder".So I told the wife as she stood there looking on,"What do you think"?She said "yes that is a good price, and hard to pass up".
That was all I needed to hear, and so I ended up with 3 new knives to play with, and still made sense to my wife by actually having 3 less knives in my inventory.
So to finish this story,I took care of my addiction by cutting back a little, and still got some new toys.
Don't know if this actually works, but sounds good to me, and keeps wife happy.
Believe this or not.


If you quit smoking 20 years ago, the money you saved is probably more then what you have spent on knives. So, I suggest that you buy some more knives to reward yourself for the money you saved by quitting smoking. I hope this helps!

Larry seems to have found a good solution. Sold 8 knives, bought 5 knives and the wife was happy with the transactions. Wow!

Nice going Larry!

I'm really disappointed with all this shameless encouragement and new excuses for Mark to use to buy more knives!
If you guys/gals offer any more encouragement to Mark you may kick off a knife buying frenzy. Now wouldn't that be tragic.
Mark, we don't have a problem with knife addiction. We can all quit anytime we want to. Most of us have quit dozens of times.Anyhow, it won't hurt us.That's just a myth spread by wives, families and friends.We're OK.It's everyone else who's screwed up! Let me show you this new Spydie.......

"To grow older is inevitable.To grow UP is optional."

Hi, my name is Phil and I'm addicted to knives. Sometimes I binge buy. Sometimes I go without a new purchase for years. I try to control this but you know what they say....if you have to control it, it is already out of control.

I'm afraid its too late. There is no cure but we can control it. Here how we can do it.

Specialize on a nice and rare pattern of knife... say genuine minty bronze age pocket automatics. The probability of finding such a knife is...(well just a little tiny bit above zero). And the price for such an item would probably dwarf the US national deficit.

See, now you can safely attend all knife shows and actively participate in the forum and snob all the folks who collect that easy to find, over the counter, cheapo stuff.

[This message has been edited by not2sharp (edited 26 September 1999).]

Please don't let my earlier post influence you on your knife purchasing. Remember! we can quit anytime we want to. I know, because i've quit about a dozen times now.
You all are KNUTS! Knife KNUTS that is!

No wonder it is soooo hard to kick this habit!

AKTI Member #A000003

Mark- Since you're no longer addicted... can I have your dealer? Maybe he'll give me the first one for nothing to get me hooked? No? Oh well, it was worth a shot.
Mike K.