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Bad Peakbagger46 - Knife Flipper

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Exactly, do what you want with your knife. It’s the community part that I’m big on. He’s literally just on here to buy knives.
I have such mixed feelings about this. There was a discussion on a gun board I was on some years ago about new members only joining to use the B/S/T subforum. And the general consensus was that this was despicable and unsporting behavior... unless the new member was selling something I wanted to buy at a price I was willing to pay, or was willing to buy what I was selling at a price I was willing to accept. 🤣
^and herein lies the rub
Where are these folks posting on the Exchange without a Gold membership?

And if they are posting sales in discussion threads or someone else's Exchange thread, they should be brought to our attention via the "report button. 100% of those I have encountered have been dealt with, often quite harshly...with violators receiving admonitions, warnings or being kicked over the side.

As for cleaning up Dodge City, I pride myself on culling the worst of offenders...but the fact remains that the numbers needing cleanup on any given day are daunting for a volunteer staff of essentially four individuals... @rycen , @Boru13 , myself and @knarfeng . So unless we rewrite the rules, and that's up to @Spark to approve as the site owner, we will always be fighting an uphill battle.

Whether that is a battle worth fighting is a different matter, and as you can see from this thread alone, is subject to various interpretations.

We are not a small community...and adding additional "deputies" is not the answer either, or we will end up with a bunch of us second-guessing one another and spending countless hours moderating the moderators. The four of us work well together and with @Spark , and though not a perfect system, it does work surprisingly well, however exasperatingly.

Not posting threads in the exchange it's more along the lines of people without gold memberships buying in that regard, you know a fresh drop happens market gets flooded with stuff nobody was able to get when the drop happened then BAM you see people without gold memberships buying. I would definitely say that's not a big problem on here but you see it.

I wouldn't chalk it up to more help means less flippers or rule breakers either as you stated, it's always going to be a thing that people skirt the line of what is allowable and what isn't.

More clear rules would always be more helpful or rewritten/reworded/updated whatever that may be. Clearly Blade Forums isn't run amuck with shifty back door dealers and I think it works pretty well too.
I'm not going to go on some big anti-flipper rant as I might have done in days past. It's just not worth my emotional energy these days, considering everything else going on in life. I'll just add a simple "Thanks for the heads up, he's now blocked" and consider my own part in the matter settled. I sell sparingly, but I DO keep a list of folks I won't do business with. This bagger guy is now on it. End of transmission.
Where are these folks posting on the Exchange without a Gold membership?

And if they are posting sales in discussion threads or someone else's Exchange thread, they should be brought to our attention via the "report button. 100% of those I have encountered have been dealt with, often quite harshly...with violators receiving admonitions, warnings or being kicked over the side.

As for cleaning up Dodge City, I pride myself on culling the worst of offenders...but the fact remains that the numbers needing cleanup on any given day are daunting for a volunteer staff of essentially four individuals... @rycen , @Boru13 , myself and @knarfeng . So unless we rewrite the rules, and that's up to @Spark to approve as the site owner, we will always be fighting an uphill battle.

Whether that is a battle worth fighting is a different matter, and as you can see from this thread alone, is subject to various interpretations.

We are not a small community...and adding additional "deputies" is not the answer either, or we will end up with a bunch of us second-guessing one another and spending countless hours moderating the moderators. The four of us work well together and with @Spark , and though not a perfect system, it does work surprisingly well, however exasperatingly.
I think the Staff here does an amazing job and I hope my post wasnt seen as a slight to that. I really think this should be a self policing issue ( other then It sure seems like he should have to be a dealer if I am interrupting the rules correctly) If folks don’t care and want to sell to him I have nothing to say about that as long as they are aware of the end result. Again let a dude make money, just not off the good intentions of others.
If folks don’t care and want to sell to him I have nothing to say about that as long as they are aware of the end result.
I think you have achieved that, and thanks.

As for members not posting outside the exchanged, while I would encourage it, not all are ready to make much of a contribution when they 1st get here, and are better off reading more than writting. All however like to buy and sell knives. Participation may come with time. It did for me-so be carefull what you wish for :).
As a seller, I price items at the price I want to get. I could care less what the buyer does with it.

If the future of an item that you no longer will own is a concern to you, then note in your ad that you reserve the right to sell to whoever you want, then do a little research on the buyer.
If you have a ebay store with that many knives listed, I’d say you’re running a business and acting as a dealer. Especially if you list new/used wares on the regular. Just my opinion though. I understand he’s not making that huge of a profit after taxes and ebay fees, but it’s clear he’s flipping and making profit. Whether he’s making a killing or not. Flippers gonna flip. Thanks for the heads up Kettleman Kettleman .
If you have a ebay store with that many knives listed, I’d say you’re running a business and acting as a dealer. Especially if you list new/used wares on the regular. Just my opinion though. I understand he’s not making that huge of a profit after taxes and ebay fees, but it’s clear he’s flipping and making profit. Whether he’s making a killing or not. Flippers gonna flip. Thanks for the heads up Kettleman Kettleman .
It's not actually clear that he's making a profit. I've had an ebay store for over 20 years, and at times have had 200 or more collectibles available. I'm lucky to break even, but I do it for fun: I buy a lot of items just to study and keep the ones I really like - many of them were documented on a few websites I had involving the history of pre-wwii baseball cards and equipment, pool cues, Stetson hats, and smoking pipes. At some point I'll put up a knife website.

Nothing's clear unless you're actually inside the guy's head. My problem with the line of reasoning I'm reading in this thread is that it doesn't just incriminate the guy in the OP's post. But this is very typical of discussion forums with classifieds section - I've been the target of more than one witch-hunt over the years.
It's not actually clear that he's making a profit. I've had an ebay store for over 20 years, and at times have had 200 or more collectibles available. I'm lucky to break even, but I do it for fun: I buy a lot of items just to study and keep the ones I really like - many of them were documented on a few websites I had involving the history of pre-wwii baseball cards and equipment, pool cues, Stetson hats, and smoking pipes. At some point I'll put up a knife website.

Nothing's clear unless you're actually inside the guy's head. My problem with the line of reasoning I'm reading in this thread is that it doesn't just incriminate the guy in the OP's post. But this is very typical of discussion forums with classifieds section - I've been the target of more than one witch-hunt over the years.
His profit is not the issue here. Inside his head? Pretty obvious isn’t it? He buys cheap here and lists them in his ebay store the day he receives them and adds between 100 and 200 bucks to the purchase price. This practice takes these fair deals away from the community for the gain of a person that doesnt give a rats ass about the community and only sees it as a flee market.

This may not matter to some new or old members but it does to a lot of us. Between accounts I believe Ive had 100 + transactions buying and selling. Buy don’t like it sell it back into the pool you bought from. Hell Ive bought cheap and made a buck here and there ( mostly broke even) be cause I didnt come here to make money.

This isn’t about the money this is about community. Yep its his knife and he can do whatever he wants with it, hell he can trade it for smack for all I care, but don’t take advantage of the intent of the seller or the market for your gain.
It's not actually clear that he's making a profit. I've had an ebay store for over 20 years, and at times have had 200 or more collectibles available. I'm lucky to break even, but I do it for fun: I buy a lot of items just to study and keep the ones I really like - many of them were documented on a few websites I had involving the history of pre-wwii baseball cards and equipment, pool cues, Stetson hats, and smoking pipes. At some point I'll put up a knife website.

Nothing's clear unless you're actually inside the guy's head. My problem with the line of reasoning I'm reading in this thread is that it doesn't just incriminate the guy in the OP's post. But this is very typical of discussion forums with classifieds section - I've been the target of more than one witch-hunt over the years.
If you’re buying and selling stuff on the regular, i’d say you’re running a business. Successful or not. Plenty of people guilty of it on the forum. Profit margin is just part of running a business. Sounds like you have a diverse collection of stuff not just knives. Seems like his “store” is solely devoted to knives. I wouldn’t call it a witch hunt, these aren’t baseless accusations. It seems to be a pattern. I’m not here to skewer the guy as I believe in the free market. But to me it’s a business, pay the fee to play. Whether others agree or not.

It’s just my opinion and we know opinions are like buttholes, they all stink.
Kettleman has been a member for 6 months and is talking/stalking like an OG member from 2001. Love it, lol!!!!

Good for P Peakbagger46 . He’s taking a calculated risk and he might make some money and I guarantee he’s lost money flipping this past year but that isn’t ever brought up in this debate, is it. Along with that, some members chiming in that he paid full asking price without even haggling and paid immediately. How do you know how much he has made or lost buying and selling knives after fees, shipping and taxes? I’ll go ahead and answer this one for you, you don’t know. He very well may need a dealer membership but I seriously doubt he’s doing anywhere close to the volume of a full time dealer like DLT or even a lower volume actual dealer.

I enjoy this community, its members and the conversations. Cheers to (almost) anyone who can make a little profit to somewhat offset the ridiculous cost of this addiction. 🤣🤣🤣
Kettleman has been a member for 6 months and is talking/stalking like an OG member from 2001. Love it, lol!!!!

Good for P Peakbagger46 . He’s taking a calculated risk and he might make some money and I guarantee he’s lost money flipping this past year but that isn’t ever brought up in this debate, is it. Along with that, some members chiming in that he paid full asking price without even haggling and paid immediately. How do you know how much he has made or lost buying and selling knives after fees, shipping and taxes? I’ll go ahead and answer this one for you, you don’t know. He very well may need a dealer membership but I seriously doubt he’s doing anywhere close to the volume of a full time dealer like DLT or even a lower volume actual dealer.

I enjoy this community, its members and the conversations. Cheers to (almost) anyone who can make a little profit to somewhat offset the ridiculous cost of this addiction. 🤣🤣🤣
If you cared to read his entire post he’s been a member since 2015, took a break and came back 🤦‍♂️ by your thought process my opinion means a lot more than yours since I’ve been here 5 years longer, right?

Edit: if he took a loss flipping that’s his own fault for making poor business investments. Plenty of business operate at a loss for awhile. It’s business. Sorry. If you’re buying something to resale I’m not sure how you can classify it as anything else. Google Amazon return pallet businesses. They don’t make profit on every piece they sale but as a whole they do or they’d stop wasting time.
Exactly. He isn’t one of us.

Most of the convo on both sides has been well thought out and reasoned. However, I disagree with the "one of us" mindset. He obviously gets something out of knives just like the rest of us. Maybe the reasons are different but the community is diverse and no different than any other type of community.

As for never seeing those knives again... I have purchased knives from eBay, heck, pawnshops etc... That I've then shared back with this community.

For me the buying and selling is half the fun along with getting to play with cool stuff.

I do appreciate the information on how this individual may use the knives after purchase. It may influence some people's future choice.

If the forum requires a dealer membership then that should be applied as well.
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If you cared to read his entire post he’s been a member since 2015, took a break and came back 🤦‍♂️ by your thought process my opinion means a lot more than yours since I’ve been here 5 years longer, right?

Edit: if he took a loss flipping that’s his own fault for making poor business investments. Plenty of business operate at a loss for awhile. It’s business. Sorry. If you’re buying something to resale I’m not sure how you can classify it as anything else. Google Amazon return pallet businesses. They don’t make profit on every piece they sale but as a whole they do or they’d stop wasting time.
Missed that, Need to make a serious edit. ATTENTION EVERYONE: Kettlemans been an inactive member since 2015 and he’s now returned to bring justice and balance to the community…🤣🤣🤣.
Missed that, Need to make a serious edit. ATTENTION EVERYONE: Kettlemans been an inactive member since 2015 and he’s now returned to bring justice and balance to the community…🤣🤣🤣.
Closer but try again.
Missed that, Need to make a serious edit. ATTENTION EVERYONE: Kettlemans been an inactive member since 2015 and he’s now returned to bring justice and balance to the community…🤣🤣🤣.
whenever mods call him a respected member it means something. Don’t think they’d say that to some fly by night Karen. Like I said before it’s just my opinion.
Missed that, Need to make a serious edit. ATTENTION EVERYONE: Kettlemans been an inactive member since 2015 and he’s now returned to bring justice and balance to the community…🤣🤣🤣.

Kettleman is a personal friend. He did not take a break since 2015. I’d ask that you keep your condescending accusations out of this thread.

If I recall correctly…you were the center of one of these threads before.
Kettleman is a personal friend. He did not take a break since 2015. Keep your condescending accusations out of this thread.

If I recall correctly…you were the center of one of these threads before.
Holy hell man, everyone is wound up pretty tight. It was a JOKE!!!

But since you made a direct command towards me, I’ll comment wherever the hell I want.
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