Pics of customized production knives

Everything was done by hand.
The trick to getting a clean finish (well, for us amateurs) is to have all the 'scratches' going in the same direction.
I backed a strip of scotch bright pad with a popsicle stick and worked it from the plunge (guard area) to the tip. Only in that one direction.
But! Before using the SB pad I did the same single direction sanding with 220 & 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper.
Only move up to the next grit when the scratches from the previous are gone. I kept everything wet with WD40.
One could just keep going finer in the grits up to 2000, but I figured this will be a piece of cake to clean up with a SB pad when I want to.

I taped the blade to protect both of us. Me from the knife and the knife from the jaws of the vice.
I took the spine down to the blue line with a file.
Not a quick job :D
Then again, neither was sewing the sheath... that took about an hour and a half :eek:

Oh yeah, my buddy, Bruce Evans has a fantastic tutorial page on his website...
Check out the hand sanding tutorial there.
Thanx for all the nice comments.

Thanks for the info. I'm going to get out some sandpaper and try your way. I like the idea of only going one way - seems to make a lot of sense. I saved that link to read tonight. This is where I'm at right now with mine.

Hand sanding a blade it a lot of work but worth it.
Bruce's tutorials are a great resource.

There was a thread on Bagwell's mods for the w49, but I can't find it... my search-fu is weak.

Keep at it, that'll be a looker with some good work.
Just be careful cuz that sharp edge is always there to bite you.
^^^^^ Are these scales made from Ti? They look as though they may be Al. Either way, they look good.
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I edited Victorinox Waiter - handles are made of buffalo horn and bolster are brass.


I really like what you did with the spine of the blade ,I'm going to do the same to one of my paramillies -thanks for the idea
The Kershaw Junkyard Dog had the blade sanded to remove the markings, and the G10 was somewhat smoothed out by me. Then I gave it a bath in royal blue RIT dye.

The Spec Bump and the ZT0350 was done by Jeff ( Karg Knives ).



One day I was bored and decided to dye the G-10 on my red handled Skyline. I came out a nice brown color although the crappy photo doesn't show it very well



Like most Opinel owners I have modified a couple. Here's the # 8 that's in my pocket now

Ok more modded RR time :) it started life like this, I got it in 2009 so it is an early model.



Heres some tinkering, full blade swedge and on other side I went to the beginning of the thumb nick:





I didnt really like this sunfish, its growing on me though now that I did a little personalization. :)