Please Help Me Name This Pattern!

Sep 23, 1999
Well, these are the first two knives I've made of this pattern and they have been well received. I plan to make this a standard model and would like to come up with a nice toothy name for it. My imagination isn't very good so I need you creative folks to give me some suggestions for a name. Thanks!!!!
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It kind of has a largemouth bass feel to it in my eyes. I would call it Billy Bigmouth. Or may the Wildcat if I was going to stay on land.
When I saw it, my first thought was bulldog and my second was scorpion. After looking at your website, I noticed that none of your knives were named. Since they are no longer being made, you could pick up the Genesis name from EDI. It would fit with this being the beginning of your folder line and your faith! :D
Hey L6 nice style, nice long clip on the blade looks fast, slick & deadly. How about PER-SEV. It stands for perforate(to pierce), and sever(to divide).
You are getting better and better with your folder, Michael but...
where are those nice big forged bowies???!!!
By the way, I am one of those guys who think that naming a knife is the real hard part of knifemaking.
Sometimes, the first thing that comes to your mind is the best. Some times it kinda sucks.

In any case, in the closed position, the red folder looks like a red hot pepper.

Super Cooper 001

or just Model #001 for short.
Numbers seem to work for that Carson guy. ;)

For some reason it reminded me of Mel Pardue. I dunno. ;)
Lmao, thanks for the suggestions guys!!! A friend of mine suggested Evolution because the blade ended up totally different than it started. It kind of evolved into wat it is. Probably been used already though.Since I call my neck knife th CCK-X1, maybe I should just go with CCK-X2 on this folder.Oh well, keep em coming folks!
I really like the design! The blade profile has real personality. It looks very aggressive how about "raptor"?
Hi Mike. Its hard to come up with a name that fits a knife. Seems all the good names are already taken, and the ones I think of that are not taken sound like something that United or Frost would name a knife....ack.

I would vote for soething simple like CFM-1 (Cooper Folder, Model 1) or something along those lines.

Really like the looks of the red one.
I have too much trouble remembering real words to make up any. Here are a few suggestions. A couple might work alone, but some are more kind of a theme than necessarily a name, or complete name:







Looking good Mike! Your knifemaking has climbed so much since I first came to the forums that it's not even funny. Super progression my friend! :)

Are you thinking of something "Intruder" or something more natural like "Whisper"???

Good luck :)
One again, thanks for the kind words folks!!! Nick, if you hang around this place and the chat room long enough you can't help but learn new ways that work better and some little tricks that make it so much easier. If there were no Bladeforums I wouldn't have had a chance with folders.
Several real good names Bugs!!! I like Crusader too Kumdo, and Whisper is real nice. I woke up this morning thinkin about it and Mongoose was the first thing that popped into my mind. It's fast and can be deadly or playful. Is any one already using Mongoose as a knife name??

Ugh, now I have to decide between Whisper or Mongoose.