Post up your Snake Pics!

What kind of snake is this? :eek:

It appears to be an ill tempered Burmese Python. The man is lucky it didn't catch him in the eye ball. Almost 200 needle sharp and an anti-coagulant constituent to their saliva. Bet he bled pretty good after that.
I think that's a Carpet Python from Australia. Friend had one for a while and it was mean!
Seems like I see one, and only one, everywhere I go. Last time I ran over a second one that I couldn't avoid on the drive out, but I guess that one didn't count. Yesterday was my first pit viper of the year.
This little bugger simply would not move, even when I beat on the ground next to him with a trekking pole. The contrast in his coloration is exaggerated in the pics and video-actually more dusky looking, with smooth transitions between them.
Beautiful snake, but I finally lost patience, and walked right up to him, figuring he would either get off the trail, or die on it.
He made the right choice:D
Caught 10 last night on the way to blade show. Will post later. I love this new cell phone!
Here's a N.Waternsnake having some lunch!

Sorry for the poor cell phone pic..

I'm not much of a snake guy. For the most part I try to avoid them and encourage them to avoid me. During our vacation to TN we were hiking and came upon this little guy. The kids were interested and although he had a bit of a nasty attitude I was able to get a couple of pictures. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I think it is a northern watersnake??



That snake was about 3' long, so that would have been a helluva slug! It is a fish of some sort. I tried to get a closer look but, he kept moving off, and I didn't want to interupt him too much..
Eastern Garter, from last week's trip to Algonquin Park:


All the best,

- Mike
I just got an eastern hognose! I know they are common where a lot of you guys go but they are VERY hard to find here. He showed all the classic defensive behaviors... hooded like a cobra, spasms, played dead.





This is the snake hissing loudly and throwing a hood to posture at us.


This is the fake death spasms. Voice in foreground is a volunteer that had never seen a hognose before


This is my favorite vid. He plays dead and refuses to let me flip him right side up.

This is my favorite vid. He plays dead and refuses to let me flip him right side up.
Awesome videos. Shoot, yeah, next time I run up on a copperhead...well, there still won't be a video of me handling it:foot:
Those hognose videos are great. Thanks.

Can anyone explain how the "spaz out and pretend to die" behavior would protect it from predators? Why wouldn't a hungry coyote or whatever just snap the thing up while it was doing it's dance?