Prayers Needed for G2s Grandson

Best wishes sent to you and your family.

Try to keep a positive perspective and hopeful attitude.

Thanks guys, sitting in the airport now waiting on the flight to Portland, hard
to leave with this going on...
Wishing you and your family well.

May there be better days ahead.
Thanks all, I just landed a little while ago into Portland OR here for a few days
just got a little encouraging word that he is off the breather thingy, they are
going to do a brain scan and an ekg I think, this afternoon, will keep you all
updated and really appreciate your prayers!
Geeez Gary, I'm glad there's some encouraging news. This is just a shame. I still have the photos of your first grandchild saved somewhere on my puter.

Our prayers are with you and yours.
Stay strong.
Prayers being said from this part of the South. May God grant you comfort and wisdom in this time of need.

The pictures look good to me, We will keep praying.
It looks like your news is improving, thank God. Prayers sent.
Thanks guys, nothing new to say yet today, and oldrifleman, I'm in Kelso Washington
today, heading back to Portland tonight to fly out tomorrow morning for home!
Thanks guys, nothing new to say yet today, and oldrifleman, I'm in Kelso Washington
today, heading back to Portland tonight to fly out tomorrow morning for home!
Gary, it's a shame that you couldn't have made it up here to Aberdeen to "meet & greet" while you were "in the area". I trust that your grandson will be ok. You and he are in my thoughts, with my BEST wishes for his full, quick recovery.