Preview of J. Powell's upcoming book

Please send me the book,I NEED THIS BOOK "BEFORE " Koz & Yvsa,I'll pay extra,JUST TO HAVE SOMETHING FROM HI BEFORE THEM ,IS WORTH IT!Anything "EXCEPT" HIKV!
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by jim_l_clifton:
Please send me the book,I NEED THIS BOOK "BEFORE " Koz & Yvsa,I'll pay extra,JUST TO HAVE SOMETHING FROM HI BEFORE THEM ,IS WORTH IT!Anything "EXCEPT" HIKV!

Uncle Bill, I would call this a variant of HIKV as Jim has so ablely demonstrated...and Jim, yes, this does have to do with khukuris!


Himalayan Imports Khukuri Range Safety Officer
Himalayan Imports Website
Howard Wallace's Fabulous Khukuri FAQ!

"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his deserts are small,
That dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all...."
- James Graham, Marquess of Montrose (1612-1650)
I hope to somehow touch on the types of ram daos and koras, but it will be very limited since I know so little about them. I will include photos however.

As far as I have seen there are two basic types, and variants of those. I have never seen or heard of a particular name applied to either.


John, if you want to use a picture of mine, let me know, even though it looks more or less the same as the top one on yours. I really like RDs, and wish there was more on them. A few months ago I posted some links to on-line articles of modern-day assaults and murders involving RDs in Bengal, but unfortunately the thread got lost during one of the many "incidents" that occurred here.

One think I hope you can address is how to tell Nepali RDs from Bengali RDs. The experts themselves don't seem to know -- the one in the British Museum is called Nepali by Stone, but Bengali by Rawson. Even the one I own is confusing: though it's nearly identical to the BM's, some previous owner or owners have painted "Nepal" and "Thibet XVIII" on different parts of the hilt.
Thanks for the offer of pix. I may contact you directly for those.

May or may not be the final determination, but if it has an "eye" or a "lotus", it's from Nepal. Without, Bengali.

I want mine signed also John! I will be retired 4 yrs by 2010 so I can really get into it.
John -

I just saw that excerpt from your forthcoming book in the Gurkha House newsletter. Did you give them permission to reproduce it?
Yes, they have permission. I have sent the article to 4 different sources in hopes of getting interest and feedback.
