I pretty much read that article in awe... After growing up on knives during the ColdSteel, MadDog vs Car Door mess that went on for years, to be followed by the ColdSteel vs Busse tirades.. It's amazing what man's oldest and most basic tool can do. And you story illustrates two things:
How to be prepared, both mentally and physically for any situation;
And, what a GOOD tool can do when the chips are down and your hand's been called.
Your story needs to be the poster ad for AKTI and to be shown on TV. Box cutters be dam*ed, if half the passengers on any flight on 9/11 had decent knives, we would be in a different world right now. Your actions, before and during, illustrate why the basic Bill of Rights needs to be invoked in the face of Society's decision to de-arm it's members.
This shouldn't come down to a Busse vs Fowler discussion... it's obvious they both would have done the job. It should come down a right to carry vs the sheep... And I think we know where most of us come down - we want the right to be able to exercise our innate sense of self-preservation in the manner we feel best suits our needs. Whether it be a Busse, a Fowler or a $10 POS. It just comes down to how it's used...
And you, sir, illustrated this perfectly. My congrats on your survival, and my thinks for your story and it's lessons illustrated...
Now... I think I'll rig my SH II straight handle for rigging in my Ford... and maybe I'll stop a little longer at Ed's table in Eugene... You are going, aren't you Ed?
Good luck to all of you whatever you carry... And may none of us ever need to face a situation like Mr. Shippman did...