Boy have YOU opened up a can of worms!
There was/is? a guy named "Jaxurman" who traded and sold a LOT of knives in the forums, and he spawned much controversy, mostly because 1)Many thought he was a dealer and should pay dealer membership fees, and 2)He had a way of insulting people in his VERY difficult to read 1 sentence posts.
I mention this because there was a lot of discussion about the fact that he asked people he traded with to post positive threads on their trade in GBU. Many people felt it was/is in poor taste to request a feedback, the thinking is, if the trade is good and the recipient happy, he'll post unasked, problem is, i dont think this is normally the case.
I have done many deals here in the forums, probably well over $10,000 of items, and every single transaction went perfectly, and while i always, or at least usually received emails from the other party saying how happy they were with the item, i believe only 1 person bothered to actually post a positive comment about it in GBU. And i have to tell you, it never really occurred to me either to post in GBU, unless there was a problem, and of course, there hasnt been one yet.
My point is, im pretty sure that unless you mention it to the other party, chances are, youll not get a pos. feedback, while you can be pretty sure that if you screw someone youll likely get a bad one, and honestly, thats probably the way it should be. It seems that the purpose of that forum is primarily to warn others, and not to commend. If you have clearly traded/sold a lot and have no bad comments, that speaks volumes i think. So, i guess what im saying is, if you want them and fell you need them, go ahead and politely ask the other guy to leave you one if he is indeed happy with the transaction, and needless to say, you shouldnt in any way bully someone into it, just say something like: "If youre happy with the item, id very much appreciate a positive feedback." And i cant imagine there being anything wrong with that.
Some people said that Jaxurman REQUIRED the other party to leave a pos fbk as a condition of the deal, and that is of course wrong.