
May 16, 2006
Okay, guys! Minus one in the competition! I decided to just buy from the forums if I get good price. Up all night and could not even see any wardens on my computer while everybody snagged one ro two. Gonna get a Becker necker for now! No, I am not bitching, just facing reality, this is too much for my nerves!:thumbdn:
Okay, guys! Minus one in the competition! I decided to just buy from the forums if I get good price. Up all night and could not even see any wardens on my computer while everybody snagged one ro two. Gonna get a Becker necker for now! No, I am not bitching, just facing reality, this is too much for my nerves!:thumbdn:

Don't feel alone, alejandrino. You're not the only one who never saw a Warden show up in inventory. And even though I'm not in the market to purchase a GW right now, I'm with you on the nerves thing. I kept f5'ing the site just to see if a GW would show up. I even invited someone . . . ANYONE . . . to capture an inventory screen with a GW on it and e-mail it to me so I could see it. So far, the only thing I've received is a good scolding from the moderators. :(

Don't yell at me, moderators. I promise to be good from now on. :)

No scolding from this old man. I know exactly how you feel!

Sadly, if I'd actually TRIED to get a screen shot for you, I would have probably: a) failed in the brief moments they were present, and b) never have snagged any myself.

Advice, for what it's worth: make an alliance or three (four?) with some of the more cunning, speedy Hogs. If your system can't snag one for you, you can definitely rely on the Hogs for help. I think they get nearly the same 'high' from scoring for others as they get from scoring for themselves.:thumbup:

I don't have a lot of infi...just a few nice pieces...but most of them came just this way.:D

Patience + Friends = Success (nearly every time)
Haha, that is a good one! Yeah, I will just watch the forums, maybe somebody wants to get rid of their Skelly warden and not want too much markup. I know some guys might be doing this for the challenge and not for profit, maybe they will sell at company store price. So far I have not seen any for sale without a profit margin. Thanks for the kind words.:thumbup:
What gets me is that I am retired and sit with my computer most of the day and on and off check the Store just un case...and on times when their are signs of knives coming up I still can't snag one, just one. Well, soon everybody will have their fill and maybe leave some knives alone..guess not?:foot:
What gets me is that I am retired and sit with my computer most of the day and on and off check the Store just un case...and on times when their are signs of knives coming up I still can't snag one, just one. Well, soon everybody will have their fill and maybe leave some knives alone..guess not?:foot:

I suspect that's wishful thinking on your part, alejandrino. But what you COULD do is follow OldPhysics suggestion and ask if anyone would be willing to help you snag a GW. That way you'd find out just how neighborly your neighborhood hogs really are.
the first time i rushed the store... i spent so much time and effort and got so frustrated... i said the estra 20/80 whatever the secondary market adds is well worth avoiding the pains of the chase... i figured i would just pay someone else to do that for me...

then i snagged one... oh it was like mana from heaven... just enough to wet my whistle and get me hooked... now im off and running..
And as I recall from last night -- running fast and effectively, Mr. Ironballs.

How many snags WAS that for you, before it all got quiet??

Why not make it a personal quest to pick up something for alejandrino?? What better way to improve your own skills AND your karma (if you believe in that)?:cool:

Personally, I'm keeping an eye open for an Orange GW.
the first time i rushed the store... i spent so much time and effort and got so frustrated... i said the estra 20/80 whatever the secondary market adds is well worth avoiding the pains of the chase... i figured i would just pay someone else to do that for me...

then i snagged one... oh it was like mana from heaven... just enough to wet my whistle and get me hooked... now im off and running..
You're on a roll, Ironballs. Now that you've got yours, do you think you might help alejandrino get one of his own? With two of you working on it, you double the odds that he'll actually get one.

Whatcha think?

(Damn! OldPhysics beat me to it.)
Hey, I am no Hogg, but i did ok last night...

There was one dude in the first thread that really wanted a yellow... i snagged one and only one,.. and was going to email him if he wanted it (at cost)... I did not want to drop it and risk some nigerian scammer nabbing it,... better me to him i figure...

Alijandrino, what are you looking for? I will keep my eyes open
Company store offerings are hard to snag. Wait until the FBM is yanked and a new blade goes up at the regular store. Then you can order as many as you like. AND hopefully it will be the folder
Here's an idea, OldPhysics. Why don't we start a thread called, "Get Alejandrino a GW" and invite everyone in the community to play. Whoever snags the GW will get Alejandrino's undying gratitude and major kudos from the pork community.

You like the idea?
Hi, IB ! I am looking to get a Skeleton Warden. Sure would appreciate any help, but I don't want you losing out on something just to help me. make sure you get yours. Thanks.
The way the Company Store is currently functioning, I don't believe it is the place for Busse Combat to sell small lots of knives.

Extravaganzas for small quantities of knives would probably be fairer.

No regrets here, though.

I just hope the problem gets fixed soon.
The way the Company Store is currently functioning, I don't believe it is the place for Busse Combat to sell small lots of knives.

Extravaganzas for small quantities of knives would probably be fairer.
That looks good on paper. But I doubt it will work in practice. A better approach would be for those who want to purchase knives to pool together to form a "group buy". Anyone in the group can purchase a knife for anyone else in the group. The agreement going in is that the purchaser will not charge a markup (beyond actual shipping costs) to resell the knife to the person who wants it. And of course, the person who wants it agrees up front to purchase it. Even if they don't, of course, the purchaser won't end up "holding the bag". The resale market all but guarantees that.
I did get lucky on the muddy skeleton... two times... I don't know if i can make a 'good deal' unless my shipping gets combined... otherwise just covering the 20 in shipping will be like what others charge with making a profit...

Same thing on the Yellow (nabbed one).. I got the one yellow and one extra muddy as 'trade bait' in hopes maybe a crash rat or some future item i lust after... but who knows... when all is said and done i may just hook up a few at my cost and earn Karma points...
As far as the GWs are concerned, the vast majority of them are the baby of the CS, horn handled ones and the like excepted of course. They are Skunk's babies after they leave the shop. Could he save a bunch of them up and offer several thousand in various combinations at one time? Sure, but why should he, it is his investment of time and money. I have managed to sbag some stuff when people said they could not, perhaps I was just lucky or at the right place at the right time. Who knows.