Random Thought Thread

Icky Thump Icky Thump :

Didn't want to clog up your WTS post so a couple of quick answers to some of your Qs in there:

- The EDC3 version was pretty much a swedged version of the EDC2, so if you want the one with the lower point, it is the OG EDC1 which you ought to be after. The OG EDC1 had a slimmer stock but thicker handle scales as compared to the other 2 variants, so for the slimmest set up, you are correct in seeking an EDC1 with the EDC2/3 scales.

- Back in the day, Jo & Nathan did some limited varieties of handle scales for the OGFK but none in Tri-color rag. There were some other fancy G10s but finding those in loose state is like chasing unicorns. Spare black G10 and black & natural micarta (buffered / unbuffed) may still be laying around.

Good luck with your sale and your search :)

Very much appreciated, Casinostocks Casinostocks . Ok, cool..so I have that figured right, I think..yes, looking for over all slimmest set up. EDC1 w/ 2 scales..right on. Thank you for confirming :thumbsup:

The EDC2 is great, would prefer it w/ the thinner scales, for sure. Jo has some available for the EDC2, but thought rather than break this one up..and the preference for either the slightly different blade profile and thinner stock on the OG..and or the swedge on the 3..I'd let this one go and continue the hunt. Very much looking forward to the Micro EDC..that may be the one.

I keep handing the UF..wishing for a mini..keep everything the same..3.75" blade, the rest to scale. .155-.188..anywhere in there, in D3V.

OGFK..yea, wasn't sure about the Tri Rag's..had to ask. I'd imagine all the more unique offerings are locked up pretty tight..again, gotta ask.

Preferring small, 3-375" fixed blades over folders for the past few years. Typically thin INFI or 52100 ( SR101) GW's, AD's and Meaner's have been my choices. Tried a few Lionsteels, I like carbon/tool steels but very much like M390 for stainless..The Lionsteels didn't work for me for various reason. I'd like very much to get some D3V in that range..

Thanks again, man :thumbsup: Truly appreciated
It appears that my pants are operating at .25 Valtakis :p:D
I give it a .33;)
I think part of it is that sandy soils have a higher tendency to 'splash' in heavy rain, or blow in high wind, and get embedded in the bark.
I think that's the biggest part. So far as I know, mineral particulate large enough to damage steel doesn't make up part of the tree's circulatory system. Bark, on the other hand, is not living material yet continually gains mass and with quick growing trees I've even found tiny pebbles embedded in crotch bark. Obviously, this can be a real problem. Pebbly crotch bark is a leading cause of hardness loss, and can really damage your unit. It's no joke
I’m not a big axe guy. I can process more firewood with a saw and large knife than I can with an axe. More efficiently and safer as well.
That's my go-to in the backwoods: 240mm Silky saw + MC. Not messing with anything that's too big for that Silky when backpacking. If I know that I'll be working on bigger stuff, I'd rather haul a chainsaw.

It's also why I've been able to resist those Tuatahi axes thus far.

Doesn't mean I wouldn't be in for a CPK axe though :p