Rear end UGLY


Goat herding fool and resident vermin breeder.
Super Mod
Feedback: +7 / =0 / -0
Feb 27, 2001
There have been so many postive threads in here over the last few weeks (That is a very good thing since people are selling and making trades, havin' fun and maybe making a new friend or two. That is what knife people are about.) that I decided to stir things up with plain ol' UGLY :barf: :eek:
Bastid, you gotta realize, that's a beautiful knife. One of the most beautiful ever made. When I was a kid ...

I think I used and enjoyed more knives like that, when I was a kid, than most of the much more expensive knives I've bought since, especially "for the collection". :p
I will have to agree. The puppy is older than I am (reads as dirt), still has nice action. My dad had it when he was a kid and he gave it to me about 30 years ago.