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Review : Martindale machetes (several models)

Cliff Stamp

Oct 5, 1998
Martindale offers a very wide range of machetes made to cover a very expansive scope of work with a huge array of blade lengths, shapes and handle configurations. The steel sharpens easily, resists blunting well, and is very tough handling even extreme impacts without gross damage to the blade. The initial edge is shaped well but may need some light honing to achieve full sharpness, and I would personally give the handle a rough sanding and coat of boiled linseed oil, but these are minor issues. Pick a model which suits the task at hand and it will be a low cost, very functional and dependable tool. Ref :


and :


Thanks, it interesting and informative on this end. I learned a lot, especially through the various modifications.

Thanks for the very comprehensive review of the various Martindale machetes and tools. Please permit a beginner question---using a file, what is the proper technique for putting a sharp edge on the Golok?

Thanks very much.
The best way is to have the blade locked in place, but most people will just hold onto it with their off hand and file with the other. I push the file into the edge to minimize burr formation however this does have the possibility of running your hand into the edge, so it is safer to file the opposite way. I finish with a stone, usually a fine DMT, and give the edge a slight microbevel. If it is going to be used for mainly wood cutting I finish with an x-fine DMT.

My usual method for sharpening with a file is to set the blade on the edge of a stump or bench and hold it in place with my foot. This way you can file a consistent edge and your fingers aren't at risk.
Thank you for the excellent review. On the basis of your thoughtful comparisions, I purchased a Martindale Machete and I'm very pleased with it. The hardest part was actually FINDING one here in the U.S. I think the problem is that they are marketed under the name Martindale "Crocodile" which doesn't appear in your review. Using crocodile, I found two places with them and purchased from a great company in New England (Maine?) that sells them at a good price. They're customer service was also excellent (I called them). They sell surveying equipment. Here's the link: http://www.loink.com/category/39 Again, thanks for the great review. Once I get the machete sharpened to my liking, I know I'll be keeping it for a long time.
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The hardest part was actually FINDING one here in the U.S. I think the problem is that they are marketed under the name Martindale "Crocodile" which doesn't appear in your review.

A lot can change in 6 years! Did you check the date of the review?;)

BTW, welcome to BladeForums!:)

Martindale/Crocodile is great stuff! Besides a nice machete, I love my grass slasher/weedwhacker---wish I could find a place in the U.S. that still sells them---last time I looked, I think I could only find them in Africa!
I prefer Condor personally, but I've heard that Martindale is good stuff once you fix them up a bit. A bit like an upperclass Tram.
Oh man, I almost had a heart attack.

Cliff Stamp can post again... WHAT!?
(proceeds to read post dates, then breaths normally again)
Well! Sunumagun!
I slept through the whole thing. One of those situations where you don't notice something's missing till somebody comments on it, I guess.
Like "Hey! Where's your left foot?"

He made a disparaging remark about Spark and that got him banned.

It more of an accumulation of issues, behavior and attitude, not just one incident. Cliff went out of the way to "bite the hand" of Spark and deserved what he got.