River Hawk EDC hawkbill, New River Knife Works exclusive!

Good morning, all you David Mary fans. The River Hawks have finally arrived! Beautiful #22 will be mine (I'm dying to run across a bunch of cardboard that needs sliced into oblivion). A couple others are already reserved, and #4 is sold as well. All the others will be heading to our website soon. However I wanted to let you all know that David and I appreciate the interest in the knives, so his BF followers will be getting a $10 discount if you contact me and reserve one before they get posted on our website. Base price is $145, with liners, scale texturing, and/or carbon fiber options adding a few bucks extra. Also, I picked up a few pairs of horizontal belt loops I can add to the order for your convenience if you'd like to purchase those with the knife. Just PM me or drop me an email at sales@newriverknifeworks.com. Thanks!
Love this kind of stuff. Everybody wins! Thank you!
So, the River Hawk got some use today. Broke down some cardboard (nothing too sexy) and then it did some yard work. Somewhere in all that green on the ground is #22. The blade shape and thin blade stock made short work of trimming those low hanging little branches that tangle up a mower. Then, it sliced through some of those heavy treats before the boss there got a nail clipping. Awesome work and EDC blade. Thanks David!

Just received a package from NRKW’s, David you did yourself proud with these. My first suretouch but wouldn’t be my last, this seams to get a better grip with the rubber and it looks cool. Thank you both for making this possible and the quick response. You guys rock!😉
David you did yourself proud on these guys. Thank you David and Jason at NRKW!


Hi everyone, New River Knife Works New River Knife Works is a smaller dealer than your BladeHQs and Knife Centers, and is run by Jason, a real down to earth guy who loves the knife hobby as much as you and I. He still has a few River Hawks left in stock and he's making a Thanksgiving Combo offer of a Fenix E09R for only $25 with the purchase of a River Hawk. And he's also notified me that anyone purchasing one who has already bought a David Mary custom knife from him or from me will get an additional $10 off. Out out of appreciation for Jason, and in a bid to help him move his remaining stock, I'll match that with a $10 David Mary custom shop credit (whether you add the light to your order or not). So if you have bought a knife I made from either me or Jason before, Jason will give you $10 off a River Hawk, and I will give you $10 off any current order that you currently have on the books with me, or the next order you place with me in the future, or the next knife you buy from me in the exchange.

Christmas is coming, and there are far too many people out there who have yet to experience the joys of performing their daily cutting tasks with a thin, sharp, and ergonomic custom made hawkbill knife. It would mean a lot to me if part of your gift giving this year shows some support for this mom & pop knife business that was been kind enough to take a chance on a small time maker like me!

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, everyone. Please at least look and see what Jason has left for River Hawks, and I think you'll find there is something to suit most people's styles: http://newriverknifeworks.com/knives/davidmarycustom2.html
Hi everyone, New River Knife Works New River Knife Works is a smaller dealer than your BladeHQs and Knife Centers, and is run by Jason, a real down to earth guy who loves the knife hobby as much as you and I. He still has a few River Hawks left in stock and he's making a Thanksgiving Combo offer of a Fenix E09R for only $25 with the purchase of a River Hawk. And he's also notified me that anyone purchasing one who has already bought a David Mary custom knife from him or from me will get an additional $10 off. Out out of appreciation for Jason, and in a bid to help him move his remaining stock, I'll match that with a $10 David Mary custom shop credit (whether you add the light to your order or not). So if you have bought a knife I made from either me or Jason before, Jason will give you $10 off a River Hawk, and I will give you $10 off any current order that you currently have on the books with me, or the next order you place with me in the future, or the next knife you buy from me in the exchange.

Christmas is coming, and there are far too many people out there who have yet to experience the joys of performing their daily cutting tasks with a thin, sharp, and ergonomic custom made hawkbill knife. It would mean a lot to me if part of your gift giving this year shows some support for this mom & pop knife business that was been kind enough to take a chance on a small time maker like me!

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, everyone. Please at least look and see what Jason has left for River Hawks, and I think you'll find there is something to suit most people's styles: http://newriverknifeworks.com/knives/davidmarycustom2.html
Was able to resist the first time, but not this time. Order placed!
Slick little knives! You usually post the weight of your knives.

What are the weights of the knives and sheath?
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Alright, I couldn't resist a deal! I have #3 and #30 on their way to me from New River Knife Works New River Knife Works . This will be my first experience with David Mary knives and I've heard awesome things over and over on here so I'm very excited for that. I also don't have any hawkbill knives in my collection so far so I'm excited to try this blade shape out. Will post pics when I get them :)