I have been carrying a Spyderco Endura as a lightweight disposable folder as a running companion. I am tired of flitzing it to death, which by the way, Wal-Mart stopped carrying it so where would a good source be, every two days to keep oxidation from staining my running shorts, not the least of which is just maintaining a tool.
What I am looking for is a pretty much corrosion resistant light weight folder or maybe fixed blade that is a little easier to maintain. Try to keep the price under 75 bucks. I already spend way too much of an all too small GI Bill on blades as is. I am leaning towards an MD micro Mirage X, but the neck sheath would be a no go. Not to mention too expensive.
Thanks for any input.
What I am looking for is a pretty much corrosion resistant light weight folder or maybe fixed blade that is a little easier to maintain. Try to keep the price under 75 bucks. I already spend way too much of an all too small GI Bill on blades as is. I am leaning towards an MD micro Mirage X, but the neck sheath would be a no go. Not to mention too expensive.