S30V FRN Native has spoiled me

Nov 16, 2002

Last night, I got a 710HS Benchmade in the mail, adjusted it for left-hand carry and ease of closing. It's hair-popping sharp, smoother than butter, fills my hand nicely, and is made of my favorite steel, M2.


It's in its box in a drawer because the S30V FRN Native is too comfortable, useful, and better looking. Add to that that it was even sharper out of the box and set to have an unadjustable-but-perpetually-smooth opening/closing and I only had to fuss with making it left-hand carry to make it perfect for me.

When those silly questions about which single folder would you keep or, if you had unlimited funds and could buy any folder, even someone else's one-of-a-kind, what would you buy come about, I have my answer:

Spyderco's S30V Native Lightweight.


It's just that good. I don't need it to have a different lock, different handle material, and I don't even want it in my coveted M2 instead of its current S30V. It's not for everyone, but it's for me.

Thank you, Spyderbunny!

Bock bock!
The CPMS30V Native is absolutely great. But here's a horrifying thought: what if the upcoming 3D Native is just as good or better? ;) What will we carry as EDC then? Both? :)

Oh, the decisions! (and oh, my poor anorexic wallet! :))
The 710HS is amazing. If you sharpen it properlly this thing is amazing. I Just did some cutting tests yesturday. I will post a review latter today. I dont have S30V to compare it too but i used my Delica and Griptilian again. Too bad my Native is SE.
Just read your test and am very impressed. I will take the 710HS down to 30 degrees on the sharpmaker soon and use the 204uf hones to really finish the job, but it just doesn't feel right in my hand or pocket the way that the S30V Native Lightweight PE does.
Hehe. I still carry my SE Native with me also. I am currently carrying my Wave, 710HS, and Native Se. I use the SE for cutting cardboard. It just so damn smooth with cardboard.
I also quit carrying my BM Griptillian as much because my S30V Native is just that good. I'm really anxious to see the 3D Native...how much longer on that? I'm also dying to see the pics.
One could devote an entire semester of university level research in finding out HOW Spyderco is able to produce such a fine product at such an affordable price, and DOMESTICALLY to boot! I simply don't see how this is possible. The margin has to be incredibly thin.

The new Native is quite possibly the best value in the entire cutlery industry. :cool:
Sal had said that after the SHOT show(first intro to public), that he'd have pics up for us.
Well, when you put it THAT way...

I guess I'll just have to get me one in plain edge. I have had a bit of trouble getting and keeping my serrated Native in CPM-440V sharp, so this has limited my use of it. I am sure however, that I would use a plain edge an awful lot.


I am in the same boat you are. But i am holding off the Spydies for now. A PE native in S30V is very attractive. I might hold out till the 3D Native.
I also have a PE Native in S30V and I like it a lot. If the 3D Native is as good I may have to buy one of those too, (The sound of money flying away). I will just have to wait and see.
From sharpening the S30V Native and VG-10 Delica, I have to say that S30V is so much easier to work with. Both are very sweet steels, but S30V is more novice Sharpmaker user-friendly.

The Spydies that my wife bought me and the 710HS I bought have ended knife-buying for me.
Musky hunter - Have you seen the S-30V Native anywhere here in Canada yet?

thombrogan - I am most interested to hear this...so I guess I would find the contrast in ease-of-sharpening from my CPM-440V Native to a new one in S-30V quite amazing. Neat.

S30V takes and holds a wicked sharp edge and a total sharpening novice like myself can do it with 20 alternating strokes method on the Sharpmaker. Found it out with my 921 Switchback and had it reconfirmed with my Native.
Hey Thombrogan,

The Spydies that my wife bought me and the 710HS I bought have ended knife-buying for me.:D

hehehehawwwwwwwheehehawwww! come on now! Seriously, I'm very glad to read this thread as I just ordered a Native in S30V and it should be here Monday or Tuesday. As usual I order a knife and research it later or accidentally research it I should say. Very glad to hear it's sharpener friendly as I haven't had my sharpmaker all that long. I do absolutely love it though. thanks for the forum. dtsoll
Thom and dtsoll you guys make me :barf: . Always getting new knives and crap. You know u guys should aid a fellow in stopping an addiction not entice him.

Don't get me started Thom! I just aquired another 705 Forum knife so I can have M2 for a user. I don't really need yo to get me hooked onto S30v steel now! :rolleyes: :p I'm glad you're enjoying it, but I want something a little smaller in the blade dept. I love the idea of a Carbon Fiber Navigator. S30v steel would be really nice in that pattern, but I believe Sal has already stated a CF Navigator would come with VG-10. Not a probelm for me, I like VG-10 blade steel myself.
Repeating that chant until the cows come home will do you no good. Give in and order yerself a little something. That is the only way to make the voices go away.:D
I remember you recommending that I get a Navigator. You said it would be perfect for my work.(Custodian at a middle school) I cannot believe it but I still don't have one. I have a bid on one on ebay but I doubt I'll get it. Are you saying there may be a Navigator in the works at Spyderco with CF handles? I have emailed SMKW numerous times about theirs and they will not return a reply. Any ideas where I can get one cheap besides ebay? I suddenly have an urge to own a Navigator after seeing it's beauty in a picture on ebay. But, if the above is true I may hold out even longer. Well, I'm outa breath so I'll quit now. thanks for the forum. dtsoll:)
The Native (besides the Starmate) pretty much rules in my EDC. Too bad I've lost the CPM440V one...
I need to get one of those S30V Natives.