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Keep in mind, some of these links are for information that could be valuble under specific circumstances. I'm not trying to promote combat, but I have found government agencies and our military has some great info besides the obvious.

Thanks for this thread, it's filling some voids in my link list.:thumbup:
Thanks for the heads-up. For some reason, I'm having no trouble accessing it, even by clicking on the link as it's copied in your message. Maybe try Googling it. Try using "outdoor living 10 bushcraft books introduction" (which is the text at the top of the page I've tried to link to); or, if that doesn't work, maybe try "Richard Graves 10 Bushcraft Books", or even a judicious chunk of the following text, which comes from the introduction:

The practice of bushcraft shows many unexpected results. The five senses are sharpened, and consequently the joy of being alive is greater.

The individual's ability to adapt and improvise is developed to a remarkable degree. This in turn leads to increased self-confidence.

Self-confidence, and the ability to adapt to a changing environment and to overcome difficulties, is followed by a rapid improvement in the individual's daily work. This in turn leads to advancement and promotion.

Bushcraft, by developing adaptability, provides a broadening influence, a necessary counter to offset the narrowing influence of modern specialisation.

For this work of bushcraft all that is needed is a sharp cutting implement: knife, axe or machete. The last is the most useful. For the work, dead materials are most suitable. The practice of bushcraft conserves, and does not destroy, wildlife
Thanks for the heads-up. For some reason, I'm having no trouble accessing it, even by clicking on the link as it's copied in your message.

JD - Thanks for checking. My computer must have had a brain fart. It works fine now. Didn't change anything, it just started working.

Thanks for the link. Lots of info to take in there. :thumbup: