Show us your Charlie Campagna SFOs

ole boily?
I was a little tough on that knife when I first got it, Jack! It took a bath in simmering Apple-cider vinegar, and acquired the nickname Ole Boiley!!
Fine sanding after its soak, took off most of the sawcut texture, which was "light" on the first few knives!!:rolleyes: You might see my initials carved into the handle!!:p
I was a little tough on that knife when I first got it, Jack! It took a bath in simmering Apple-cider vinegar, and acquired the nickname Ole Boiley!!
Fine sanding after its soak, took off most of the sawcut texture, which was "light" on the first few knives!!:rolleyes: You might see my initials carved into the handle!!:p

:D:D Looks alright and fit for service there! fine sanding you say? That gives me an idea about my modded TC clip's bone. As @Campbellclanman would say, "that'd buff right out Jack"
I love my Black Jack!!
